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A week has already passed ever since joshua's confession and ever since then jeonghan didn't see joshua in any of their class but jeonghan didn't really notice because the past few days he was always with seungcheol and the day joshua confessed jeonghan didn't felt anything special when joshua confessed to him but he didn't want to say it to him because he was afraid that it might hurt him. Ever since then seungcheol suddenly started hanging out with jeonghan more and more and that made jeonghan a little bit happy and forgot about what happend with jihoon and seungcheol last week, he was to busy having fun with seuncheol


Right now, jeonghan and seungcheol just entered their classroom but they arrived early and saw hoshi crying while he was with 2 guys, it was DK and Mingyu

"What happened here?

The 3 of them looked in jeonghan and seungcheol's direction while jeonghan's eyes darted on hoshi who has a cold expression on his face when he saw them but jeonghan doesn't know if it's just his imagination or not.

"Nothing happened" hoshi quickly left the room with mingyu and DK that made me confused because he didn't seem like the usual him because usually he would ran to me quickly if he sees me but now all I could feel is a gloomy atmosphere when he gets close to me

"Let's follow them" I got startled upon hearing seungcheol speak unexpectedly

I just nodded in response


"Hoshi-hyung?!!" DK shouted 

Hoshi got surprised in the suddenly shout and looked who it was and didn't expect that it was DK and Mingyu

"Hyung! Why are you crying?" Mingyu asked worriedly

"I-It's nothing, I'm fine" Hoshi tried to at least smile so he doesn't worry them to much

"No, your not fine! What happened? Why are you crying?"


"Please hyung...tell us what happened..."

Hoshi's tears started flowing again so DK just hugged his hyung who is crying real hard
(omg!! my Seoksoon heart!!T^T)

After a few minutes

Hoshi started to calm down bit by bit

"so hyung...can you tell us now what happened?" Mingyu said

"Y-you see...it's about...joshua..."

"What's wrong with joshua hyung?" DK asked

"He likes j-jeonghan..."

"What?!!" DK was really shocked

"Since when?!" DK asked again

"Since he first came here"

"So hyung, what wrong with that?"

"Mingyu? Aren't you surprised?" DK asked

"I already knew since we started going to this school"

"What?! How?!" Hoshi shouted in shock

"Remember when we first met and became room mates? That was the time when he told me and told me not to tell anyone about it at this classroom, but hyung, how did you know?" Mingyu asked hoshi

"He told me last week and..." Hoshi's tears started flowing again when he remembered about what happened to joshua this past few days

"Hyung tell us? What happened next?"

"H-he has H-hanahaki..."

Mingyu and Dk was taken a back after hearing what hoshi said

"H-hyung...Did I hear you r-right...? Did you just said Ha-hanahaki???" DK, who was already trembling in his seat


Mingyu and DK doesn't know what to feel, their mind suddenly became blank and without them noticing, they both were already tears falling from there eyes, The two of them couldn't process what hoshi just said

"I-Isn't that the disease that people rarely has because of a one sided love?" Mingyu asked


"But doesn't jeonghan hyung like joshua hyung?" DK asked

"No, jeonghan likes seungcheol

"Wha-what?! I-I thought they liked each other, like I mean, they always do things couples sometimes do an-and...that's just impossible..." DK complained almost crying

"At first, I thought so too...why? it's because of their inseparable bond, they're always together, always-" Hoshi didn't get to finish because he saw jeonghan and seungcheol enter the room, and that made hoshi's anger rise, because he saw the two happy together while joshua was hurting alone, Hoshi felt more worse, because he couldn't do anything to ease up joshua's pain

"What happened here?"  Hoshi thought that 'why does it have to be someone who you know that will only hurt you?' 'Why do you have to hurt yourself just to feel love for him?'

"Nothing happened" Hoshi felt more angrier and decide not to say anything because he might spill some secrets, so the three of them left 

"Are you alright hyung?" Mingyu asked

"Yeah I'm fine..."

There was a moment of silence but Mingyu felt that he should tell them what he and jeonghan talked about last week at the park .

"Um, I think I should really tell you this..."

"Tell us what mingyu?" DK asked

"Well-" before mingyu could tell them he saw jeonghan and seungcheol at the corner hiding and mingyu felt like they were following them so mingyu decided to go to their place since the three of them are already done for today

"Let's not talk here, someone's following us" Mingyu whispered to the two and the two immediately followed mingyu, as they go to their place 

~At the dorm~

"I think were safe now" mingyu said

"So what is it that you want to tell us that is so secretive?"

Mingyu sighed then explained everything that happened at the park last week


Joshua is now writing a song because he was bored, he was always in their room and he hasn't gone to class ever since that day because he couldn't bare to see jeonghan being happy with someone else and ever since then he kept on vomiting causing him more pain every each day

Sometimes he thought about having the operation but jeonghan's smile and their memories together kept on running on his thought and that 'Will you be happy if this feelings were gone and we could just go back to what we are before?' 'Would I be happy?' 

Joshua heard someone open the door of their dorm so he panicked while thinking who it was ''It can't be the boys, it's still early for their classes to end' 'What if it's a killer?' 'Is today my last day?' 

Joshua peeked outside the door to see who it was, and to his surprise, it was Mingyu, Hoshi, and DK. 

He decided to go to them until they started talking that made him stop and just listen to them from inside the room

~After Mingyu explained~

"I see..." joshua felt a little relieved that he didn't told him before Joshua could

Joshua decided on going out from his hiding spot

The three suddenly stood up upon seeing joshua come out

"Thank you" joshua said and let out a small smile on mingyu

"For what hyung?" Mingyu asked

"For not telling him before I could"

"Did you already told him?" DK asked

"Yeah, I told him last week" joshua said then sat beside Mingyu

"So...What did he say?" Hoshi asked

Joshua let out a small chuckle 

"I didn't get an answer, but I'm sure what was his answer was going to be..."

They became silent after hearing that but DK really want to ask joshua something

"Joshua hyung, is that why you weren't in any of your classes since last week?"

"Actually, yes, that's the reason, I just didn't want to see him with someone else and if we see each other he might feel uncomfortable so I just stayed here"

"But hyung, isn't it already been a week? Why do you have to sacrifice for someone else's happiness?" Mingyu asked

"That's right! Stop this right now hyung, you can't always sacrifice, plus your already going to fail every class you have if you don't go to class tomorrow" 

Joshua thought about it again and again because he didn't want jeonghan to be uncomfortable but on the other side his going to fail his classes if he doesn't go to class 

"Fine, I'll go" 

The three of them jumped in excitement, they're like kids who will be given some lollipops tomorrow *chuckles*



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