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Jeonghan's POV

This can't be!!!!!!!!!

This is all Joshua's fault! If he didn't suddenly barged into my office, then, I wouldn't have had to wear this splint. Ugh!

"Jeonghan hyung, the doctor said that you will be staying here for a week or so" Chan informed me which I just groaned at

I can't stay here for a whole week! I may have hated those paper works but I can't miss out on our companies charity program tomorrow. Who will go there to replace me and lead the other workers? Argh! This is a really big mess! They can't go there without me. Because if they do, no one will be giving the speech and explain the things that we will be giving the charity. 

"I can't stay here chan-ah. You know that" I complained with a frown on my face

"Sigh. I'm sorry hyung but, your health is more important. I can't let you go there like this" Chan said with an apologetic look 

"But! Who will give a speech for the whole charity tomorrow? And who will lead the group of workers tomorrow??? I really can't miss out on this. Please chan, let me attend tomorrow. I promise that I'll just give the speech then I'll just guide the group of workers tomorrow while I'm seated on a chair. I won't exhaust myself too much and I won't worry you. Please Chan, I've prepared so much for this event. Please let me attend" I pleaded with sincerity.

My main reason on going is to see the children's smile when they get to receive a toy. I know that toys are important to people, especially kids. Just for once, I want to let them experience the joy of receiving a toy. The joy that I once had when I first got a toy from my parents when I was still a child. 

Chan sighed then looked back at me.

"I-" Chan was cutted out when someone suddenly entered the room which caught both of our attention.

I was speechless when I saw who just entered the room. It was the Hong Family. The...Whole family?!

"Jeonghan-ah" Someone called that caught my attention. 

"J-Joshua...?" I looked at him with pure confusion. Why was he here? And how the hell did they know that I was confined here?

Joshua sat down on the chair beside my bed then gave me a small smile before giving me the bouquet of flowers that he was holding. I sniffed it and smiled warmly when I recognize the smell.

"Gardenias..." I said as I smiled wider before looking back to this beautiful man sitting beside me.

We stared at each other, the stare that we had the first time we met. The stare that's full of love, happiness, and softness. 

I suddenly had the urge of kissing him right now but I stopped myself and looked away from him. 

"What brought you and your family here Uncle Jae?" I asked to remove the awkward silence filling the room

"Well, my son here told me that you couldn't come to our dinner so I called Chan and asked what happened so I asked my son about it and that's where I knew that it was his fault that you ended up here in the hospital. Sigh. He didn't even brought you here to the hospital himself and just left you with an injured leg" Uncle Jae explained while shaking his head in disappointment 

"But he said that he was alright. I also offered to bring him to the hospital but he declined" Joshua explained

"Then you should've insisted on bringing him here" Uncle Jae answered back which made Joshua speechless. It's kind of cute how they fight like little children.

"It's alright Uncle Jae. I'm the one who told him that I was fine. Please don't blame him for it" 

"But still, that's really unmanly of you shua" His mom said

"Sacrifice" II JIHAN IIWhere stories live. Discover now