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Jeonghan's POV

We already landed at China and I'm on my way to my hotel. 

The view here is spectacular! Everything I see is somehow new to me. It's actually refreshing to see something new but there's nothing still feels like home than Korea, where my gentleman is at. Ugh! I miss him so much!!! Maybe I can give him a call. But it's already dinner time, maybe his still eating so I'll just call him later.

In fact, I'm quite hungry myself

"Chan-ah, can we go eat?" I asked chan who was sitting beside me

"But we just ate before we landed" Chan stated with a brow raised

"Aww c'mon. I'm hungry, plus, your not the one paying anyway" I said then held his arm and looked at him with puppy eyes

"Sigh. What will I do with you hyung...." Chan said

"Please head to the nearest restaurant" Chan said to the driver which made me squeal in happiness which resulted to a painful bump in the head

"Hah! Serves you right" Chan mumbled but I still heard it but didn't argue with him anymore about it.

We walked in to a simple restaurant but it sure does looks like there food here is extra yummy.

We ordered then sat tried to find a table but luck isn't on our side and that restaurant is somehow full. Me and Chan couldn't find any vacant table and was about to go to another restaurant until I saw someone I'm really familiar with

"Junhui? Hao?" I asked/said

"Jeonghan hyung? What are you doing here in China?" Jun asked while looking shocked as well

"I have some business to do here. But why on earth are you guys here? Don't you have work today?" I asked while tilting my head

"We don't actually. We took a 2 week vacation because Junhui's mother wants me to spend time with his family since some of their relatives are coming home tomorrow" Minghao explained 

"Ahh. So that's why your here. But anyways, do you mind letting us sit with you guys? The restaurant is full and there are no vacant seats so..." I trailed off, waiting for their respond 

"Sure, you and Chan can seat here" Jun said as he signaled us to sit in front of them

"Thanks hyung" Chan said then smiled at them but suddenly received a grin from the Chinese couple

"So chan, how are things going on between you and seungcheol hyung?" Minghao asked while placing our food in front of us

"Well, he already stopped fighting with some gangs around the city so I think we're good" Chan said as he chuckle

"That's good. I didn't know that a small guy like you can make him stop with his bad habit. I honestly thought that you can't do it" Jun said truthfully

"I'll take that as a compliment" Chan said then started eating his food

We finished eating at the time of 9 pm because we were busy chatting and chatting but eventually started drinking so Chan is so drunk that he can't even walk on his own. Minghao was the same while Jun only drank 2 cups then stopped. I drank a whole bottle of beer but I'm still not drunk. Unlike Chan who just drank half of the beer and his already drank. Aigoo, this kid doesn't have a high tolerance when it comes to drinking but he's got the gut to challenge Minghao into a drinking contest, and even bet on sending nudes to their boyfriends if they lose. Hayss...his plan backfired on him and now he will surely scold me for not stopping him.

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