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 "By the way seungkwan, what school are you attending?" 

Joshua and seungkwan are now walking back home since they have the same way home they decided to just go together

"The school that is close to the cafe that we just went to" Joshua was shocked upon hearing that

"That's great! I also attend that school"

"This really is destiny~" seungkwan said in a joking tone

They both looked at each other 

"Pfft- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" both of them started cracking up and joking around until they get to joshua's place since seungkwan's place is in the next street

"Here's my stop" joshua said

"Aww we were just getting started" seungkwan pouted

"Pfft- since when did you start missing me?"

"Of course My dear~" Seungkwan said jokingly that made the both of them crack up again 

'I guess I worried about nothing, hyung looks normal as always' seungkwan was saying to himself in his mind

"Alright alright, that's enough, let's meet again tomorrow. Maybe you'll get to see him tomorrow and maybe become friends with him then help me alright *smiled widely* "

"Ahh~ So that's why you wanted me to meet him" Joshua teasing him

"shush, don't try to have a fight with me, we just got to see each other again today so #Fighting-is-not-allowed"

They both laughed and since it was already late, they hugged before seungkwan leave, it's like a tradition for the both of them to hug when one of them is leaving or going home, they usually do this ever since they were kids

They hugged as if there was no tomorrow because that was how the both of them missed each other 

"Good luck tomorrow *wink*" joshua cheering on his junior because they're meeting him tomorrow

"Stop it hyung!" Seungkwan pouting because of how his hyung keep on teasing him

"Alright alright, Get home safely" 


While going to his dorm he saw a familiar figure, it was...jeonghan and hoshi? 'What are they doing outside?'

Joshua came closer to them and got shocked upon seeing hoshi crying and they were both looking at me directly

"What happened here?" Joshua said 

"H-hyung, where have you b-been?" Hoshia asked

"oh? didn't I told you that I'll be going to the cafe nearby?" Joshua asked 

"A-ah  th-that's right..."

"Who-" jeonghan stopped when joshua suddenly spoke

"What happened here? Why are you crying hoshi?" joshua immediately came closer to hoshi and passing jeonghan to wipped hoshi's tear, leaving jeonghan speechless and just watching them 

"I'm alright hyung, nothing to worry about" hoshi gave a forced smile to not worry joshua

"If you say so, anyways let's go inside I'm really tired today" joshua quickly walked inside to his room

"I-I'll leave now...Good night, sorry for the bothering you again" jeonghan left quietly 

Hoshi was left by the two that made him thought 'Why am I always the one being left out by the two of them?' 'it suddenly feels like deja vu' *sigh*

~Next Sunday Morning~

Jeonghan was spacing out ever since he came back last night and trying to process what he saw, 'I didn't know that feelings can change that easily' 'Did he really like me? Or is it just a prank to mess us my head?' 'No, shua wouldn't do such thing' Jeonghan messed up his hair because of frustration, he didn't know what had happened to joshua this past few days because he was too busy with seungcheol, 'Come to think of it, I didn't saw joshua in any of our classes this past few days, I only saw him yesterday, in our extra class every Friday, after that...the others came to me pleading to stop joshua...to stop him from what? they didn't explain anything that happened....

'What is happening to joshua?'

~With shua~

Joshua was fixing his stuff and found a small notebook at the corner with a voice recorder with it, and since his curious, he sat down on his bed and opened it, and to his surprise, it was full of writing that he doesn't remember who it was. There were dates in every note and the notes were a few years ago.

After searching for a name to see who was the owner of it, he started to give up since it was already almost at the end but, something caught his eyes, it was a song, and to his surprise the song was made...just a few weeks ago, that made him realize that he forgot about the voice recorder with the notebook when he picked it up, Joshua started reading the lyrics while listening to the voice recorder 

'At any point in life, you know I'll be by your side the most

"Sacrifice" II JIHAN IIWhere stories live. Discover now