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Jeonghan cried there for a hours now, and he stopped because there was a person that told him that the mall will be closing in 20 minutes, so he decides to leave and just go home because he doesn't know what to think right now...he thought today was the perfect day, but he didn't expect that there will be a surprise waiting for him and the fact that Joshua told him that the confession that he made was only made because of a bet...

His mind is about to explode because of thinking so much and didn't knew that his tears started flowing again and the fact that he was already at his dorm and didn't notice the others calling him

"JEONGHAN!!!" Seungcheol shouted 

"H-huh?, oh...what's up, cheol?"

"Don't what's up me, I should be asking that to you, what's up with you??? You arrived 30 minutes ago and didn't move an inch when I called out your name"

Jeonghan's eyes caught some people on seungcheol's  back, it was their friends, and some new ones, but one of them really caught his eyes...it was the boy that he saw with Joshua that night but he wasn't sure

"Who're they?" Jeonghan asked

"Oh, their the new friends that we met at the cafe, since the cafe that we went to was full, they let us share their table and soon enough, we became friends and planned on having a sleepover, wanna join?"

"I'm Hansol, but you can call me Vernon"

Jeonghan didn't really pay attention to that guy because he was waiting for the guy that he saw with Joshua that night, to introduce himself

"And I'm Boo Seungkwan, you can call me seungkwan" Seungkwan gave jeonghan a genuine smile which made Jeonghan want to confirm more if he really was boy with Joshua and what was their relationship

"Oh...I see, s-sure I'll join..."

"Is something wro-" seungcheol couldn't continue because Hoshi started shouting

"Then let's get this party started!!!"

"uhm...Can one of my friends come over too? I promise his really nice!" Seungkwan said

"Sure, the more the merrier!!!" Hoshi said

"What's the name of this friend of yours?" Jihoon asked

"Joshua, Joshua Hong, but you can also call him jisoo, Joshua is his English name, and jisoo is his Korean name" Jeonghan now knew that he wasn't mistaken

Their eyes widen in shock upon hearing their hyung's name

"You know Joshua jyung too???" Mingyu asked

"Uhh, yeah, do you guys know him?" seungkwan asked

"Hell yeah, His like the greatest hyung you'll ever meet" DK said exaggerating

"I agree with that" Seungkwan said then they all started cracking up

Meanwhile, jeonghan was still shock in hearing Joshua's name, he didn't expect that he'll try to invite him here, he still hasn't process what happened back there at the mall, and now their meeting again? Jeonghan felt like he didn't have courage to face him

"Let me call him, so we can start the sleepover"

"Sure!!! Meanwhile, we'll prepare the snacks and where we'll play some games and sleep" DK said

Jeonghan ran to his room without anyone noticing it, actually he wanted to cry but someone might call out for him so he stopped his tears as much as he can

He picked up his phone and looked at his messages  because his phone was vibrating, he was really expecting that Joshua was the one who messaged him but it was only a spam messages that made him thought 'What did I expect...Of course he wouldn't message me' Jeonghan's tears started dropping on his hands while reading his past messages with Joshua, he now understood why Hoshi was angry that night and said that jeonghan only comes to Joshua if there's a problem and in the end, Joshua was the one always fixing it, but what did he get? He got only hurt because of it.

He finally saw what his wrong was, he was wrong to ignore Joshua's feelings, he was wrong about making joshua do everything but he didn't see how Joshua worked hard just to see him smiling

While Jeonghan was crying, he heard someone shout his name

"Jeonghan hyung!!!" it was Wonwoo

"I'm coming!" Jeonghan didn't want to sound like he was crying so he tried shouting back steadily 

As time pass, seungkwan suggested that we should play truth or dare, Joshua didn't also make it because he wasn't answering his phone so they proceeded on the sleepover without Joshua

"Seungcheol hyung! Truth or Dare?" Seungkwan asked


Seungkwan smiled creepily at seungcheol before asking which the others notice so they thought that he would ask an intense question

"Seungcheol-hyung...What's you ideal type?" The others burst out laughing at the question, they didn't really expect that kind of question so seungkwan just joined them laughing at his own question

"Uhh...Someone who is cute...?" Seungcheol cutted his answer there and didn't bother to answer more

"Okay, that was a really boring answer but, yes, let's proceed" seungkwan said which made everyone laugh their ass out again, some of them couldn't breath anymore and some are already laying at the floor while laughing

"hmm...Jeonghan hyung! Truth or Dare" Jun asked


"Why are you all saying 'truth'? it's really boring" Hoshi complained

"Shh...Shut the hell up" DK shouted but not to loud

"Okay Okay, here's my question" Jun started

"Jeonghan-hyung...Do you like someone? if yes, then please describe that person"

Jeonghan froze in his seat, he was really going to accept anything but that question, he really wants to avoid that as much as possible 

With Jun's question everyone became interested in jeonghan's answer

Jeonghan just sighed about the youngers pleading eyes, he thought that he can't really escape their questions

"Actually, Yes, I do like someone..." Jeonghan's proud of himself for not stuttering 

"oooo~!" The others looked at jeonghan teasingly

"Shhh~! Jeonghan-hyung, please describe him" with that being said, everyone averted their stare at their hyung who is now really nervous, jeonghan was really getting tense by their stares

'Fuck this!' Jeonghan cursed in his mind because of the uncomfortable situation his in right now

"u-uh...Th-that person is someone who has a soft and gentle voice, a caring person, that person cares about others feelings before that person's own feelings, that person is a person who is always there for you even in hardship, that person gives you courage to pass your struggle that your in, that person will always smile at you to not let others see that, that person was also suffering and most of all a very special person who has a big place in my heart ever since we first met, although he thought that I liked another person..." 

The room became silent when they heard what jeonghan said, some of them is almost as if they were crying because of his heartful confession

"wow...how long have you liked that person hyung?" Jun asked

"5 years..." Jeonghan just chuckle at the thought of that person who always make him smile, laugh, and even do things that he don't usually do.

"That's really long...why don't you confess hyung?" seungkwan asked

"Maybe, I'm just afraid to lose our Friendship...Our Long Lasting Friendship" Jeonghan looked down feeling his tears flowing out of his eyes but he stopped it, he didn't want to cry in front of the others and he might worry them

Silence filled up the room, none of them started or dared to talk after hearing their hyung's confession about the person that he liked

The other's also thought, 'Wouldn't it be more okay if he just told that person that he liked them and what if his crush will also like him back?' '5 years...I think I know someone with the same problem as jeonghan hyung...but who is it?'

All of them were spacing out, deep in their thought which jeonghan thought that it was his fault that the mood was ruined so he lowered his head and felt guilty about it, but since seungkwan is a real chat box, he didn't want to have this silence and started shouting

"Alright, Alright! That's enough! All of you, stop spacing out, your making jeonghan-hyung uncomfortable y'know!!!"

"Weren't you also spacing out just now?" DK said that made everyone chuckle and made seungkwan embarrassed

"I-I...Fine! Hmph!" Seungkwan sat back at his spot because of embarrassment

"Alright who's next?" Jun asked

"Me! Me! Me!" Seungkwan shouted

The game continued until midnight, and jeonghan slowly forgot about what happened today and just had fun with the boys, but there was a part of him that was missing that night, and he knew that he will completely lose that part the next day


'I still don't want to lose you...shua' 



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