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'W-what happened?'

Hoshi broke down crying, he doesn't know what to do now. He felt like he just lost his old hyung who is always making everyone laugh, smile, and encourage the others if they don't have any confidence even when he doesn't even have confidence in him, he still doesn't want to show others that he has a problem and having a hard time because he might feel like he will only worry the others more. How does hoshi know this? Well...Joshua talked to him last week (after joshua confessed to jeonghan) but joshua didn't tell him about the confession. Joshua told him all that he felt back then and hoshi was also confused why joshua was telling him this but he just thought about this today that the reason must be because he was already planning to take the surgery.

Mingyu was also thinking, 'what if we knew sooner?' 'Would hyung won't take this surgery?'
'Would we get a way to make jeonghan hyung like him more than a friend?' 'Would they happily be together?' 'Would joshua hyung not have felt like taking the surgery?' ' Would our old joshua hyung come back again?' 'Will he be like that forever? 

DK doesn't know what to think about what happened and just laughed...
He wanted just wanted to joke around because he feels like there was no longer a hyung who he enjoyed laughing with, there was no someone who always understand him, there was no hyung who will be by his side even when the joke isn't that funny, the only hyung that he really treasured like a real big brother was only joshua...

The one who is the most worried about what happened was jeonghan, after he saw how joshua just said that he didn't like him anymore, the three of his friends looks like they lost their happiness and of course he was worried, but, he was also feeling a little ache in his chest when he saw and heard joshua say those words, like there was not a single emotion in him, like he wasn't the same best friend that he knew

"Le-let's go h-hyung..." Mingyu said in a cold tone and feel like about to cry

'What really is happening?' 

~With Joshua~

'Today is a really nice day' joshua said while walking to the cafe but someone accidentally bumped into him

"Oh, sorry" the other guy said because they bumped into each other

"It's alri-...?" joshua suddenly recognize the person who just bumped into him


"Joshua Hong?!" 

It was his childhood friends and they both treat each other like real brothers  in LA but they got separated because joshua's family moved to Korea because of his mom's work

"Long time no see!" 
"How have you been?" seungkwan said 

"Doing well, how bout you? When did you get to Korea?"

"About a month ago"

"I see, anyways I'm going to the cafe in the next street, wanna come?"

"Sure, it's been so long since we last saw each other so we should catch up on what we missed"

They both walked to the cafe while chatting about different things.


When they got there, the store was not so full so there were many vacant seats, so they sated beside the glass wall and to see the beautiful view

"So...How's your life here?" Seungkwan asked since it was only been months since he got to Korea

"Pretty well, there are many beautiful places and delicious foods and I'm sure you'll also like it"

"That's  great!" 

While waiting for their order seungkwan was looking at the beautiful view beside us, while joshua was thinking again, He was thinking how seungkwan still hasn't changed ever since they last saw each other, he was still as bright as ever, in his opinion seungkwan is a total comedian but sometimes he can be a good person to be with if you have a problem because he has a peaceful mind and a good listener 

"Btw, are you in a relationship right now?" Joshua asked that made seungkwan spill some of his drink from his mouth

"W-What makes you say that?" Joshua already knew just from how his friend reacted 

"I knew it, so who is the lucky person?"

"*sigh* you really know me too well hyung!" Joshua just smirked 


"Actually, his from LA too and his going to attend the same school as me" Seungkwan smiled in the thought about his crush going the same school as him

"Then I'm sure we'll get along pretty well, what's his name?"

"Hansol Vernon Chwe, in short, you can just call him Vernon"

"I'm excited to meet him" 

Their order arrived so they started drinking up their drinks while enjoying the view , but Seungkwan noticed that something's wrong, no, something's missing in him

'Why does it feel like Your missing something in you, you weren't like that before, Why does it feel like you lost your...?'

Seungkwan just shrugged it off and continued having a chat with his friend

"By the way how bout you? anyone special?" seungkwan asked in a teasing tone

"Special?" Joshua just smirked


*7:46 pm*

"Hyung!!!!" Wonwoo shouted at jeonghan who is now spacing out

"Wha-?" Jeonghan who isn't like himself and Wonwoo noticed it

"Why do you keep on spacing out? Something happened right? Don't even think about denying it" Wonwoo said firmly 

"Hah....you got  me there" Jeonghan said 

There was a moment of silence, jeonghan was spacing out again while wonwoo was looking at him directly

"It's a problem with someone special, right?" Wonwoo guessed that made jeonghan look at him

"Yah! you guys can really see through me" jeonghan punched wonwoo's shoulder 

"Of course we can, we've been friends ever since I transferred here, plus, You wouldn't have any problem except Love and Friendship, why?, cause your always having trouble and problem with them and your always spacing out if there's a problem, who wouldn't notice huh?"


"Who is it this time?" Wonwoo who is sipping his coffee while waiting for jeonghan's answer

"Actually you wouldn't even believe that I got a small problem with this guy..."

Wonwoo just looked at him straight in the eyes 

" I-It's actually...*sigh*...Jo-joshua"

Wonwoo almost spilled his coffee when he heard joshua's name, yes, he wasn't also expecting the person to be joshua because the two of them haven't fight even a single second, they're like real brothers and some times because of their closeness, people mistake them for lovers, we also think their chemistry is really good but ever since jeonghan and Wonwoo became friends he already knew about him liking seungcheol and the worst part is that when he was going to his last class a long time ago, he heard mingyu and joshua talking and heard that joshua liked jeonghan that made wonwoo's head a mess, joshua was also his close friend before jeonghan ever became his friend and wonwoo felt like he was betraying his friend for not saying anything but he decided on keeping a close eye on the two and see what happens and up until now, wonwoo was still hoping for joshua and jeonghan to be together because their isn't a better match for the two of them except each other

"Joshua-hyung??? Since when did you two start fighting like this? Does this happens often?" Wonwoo was worried because this might drift them both apart 

"Actually, this all happened last week, *chuckles* It all started when we hanged out in the park, I was telling him how I was so happy when seungcheol kissed my cheek"

"What?! Does joshua hyung even know?"

"Yeah he knows, I told him" Jeonghan lowered his head and looked at the floor

"Your really stupid hyung" Wonwoo said with a pissed expression

Jeonghan was giving him a questioning look cause jeonghan doesn't know that wonwoo already knew about joshua liking jeonghan


"Joshua hyung likes you" wonwoo said

Jeonghan paused and was shocked that wonwoo knew but nothing still changes even if he knew

"I already knew and that's the problem"

"How'd you know?"

"Joshua already confessed last week..."

Wonwoo was in shock, he didn't knew that joshua already told him

"What did you answer?"

"I-I didn't get to answer because he already left immediately"
Wonwoo's face was already showing what he wants to say

"I know what you want to say right now, and I know, I think this is really my fault and what makes me look stupid is that I didn't even noticed how his putting his effort to make me like him and I also told him about me liking seungcheol...tha-that's ju-just....really stupid right? I felt like I  lost another person, no, an important person, someone who I trusted all my secrets, my bestfriend who was always there for me, may it be bad or good times, he didn't judge me nor made me sad, he didn't leave me and still tried to stay with me even though he was hurting when I keep on talking about the person that I like and I didn't even think aboout how he would feel about it" Jeonghan was sobbing and trying so hard to show what he wanted to say a few times but didn't know who to say it to

"That's enough hyung, crying won't do anything. Tell me what do you want to do?" Wonwoo asked

"I-I want to atleast apologize to hi-him"

"Then what are you still doing here? Go to him and apologize, but don't expect that things would go back like before"

Jeonghan wants things to go back like before but after hearing wonwoo say those words he felt a real possibility that it might happen but he doesn't want to think negative right now, more importantly, he needs to apologize even if things don't go back like it was before

He ran to joshua's place without thinking anything, as he got there he knocked and knocked until hoshi came to open the door

Hoshi's eyes widen on seeing jeonghan

"Hoshi...sorry to disturb but is joshua here?" hoshi just looked at him with a cold expression but also felt sorry for joshua because his bestfriend always go to him and keep on talking about seungcheol everytime they meet, why do hoshi knows this? of course since he knew about joshua's disease, his keeping a close eye on joshua and always keep on asking what he does

"His not here" hoshi said in a cold tone

"I see..." Jeonghan's hope started fading away little by little

"What do you need to meet him for? Don't tell me it's about seungcheol again?" Hoshi can't take it anymore and busted out

Jeonghan was shocked about what hoshi said

"What do you mean? I'm-"

"Just stop it hyung,! You've already hurted joshua hyung too much!!! Don't you know he was always hurting every time he sees you?! Just stop it! Every time you had a problem with seungcheol hyung, you always go to Joshua hyung and in the end, he was the one always fixing you problems, and what did he get huh? He only got hurt..." Hoshi was crying and he didn't hold back anymore 

Jeonghan was speechless, he didn't know that the others knew about joshua liking him, he only thought that it was only wonwoo who knew

"Just stop...hyung please..." hoshi pleaded

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you guys were also hurting but I just really want to apologize to him at least just once then I won't b-"

"I know hyung...I know you want things to go back like before, but for me, I don't want things to go back like before wanna know why?"

Jeonghan just nodded

"It's because I don't want to see joshua hyung kept on hurting again...I don't want to see him loving the same person again who only gave him pain...*sobbing* Hyung...please stop hurting him...he didn't do anything wrong, he just loved you, that's all he did, but why did he have to suffer?" Jeonghan just hugged the younger who is crying right now, jeonghan felt an ache again and only thought about joshua, the times when he made him laugh, the times that are special for the both of them, the times when they were both happy, the times when they didn't have any problem, the times when...*sigh*

'Where are you Joshua?'



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