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I really miss the scent of LA but I keep on remembering Jeonghan...Did I made the right decision? 

We made it to our house at LA and I kinda feel uncomfortable in our house here in LA. It's so big and so spacious which kinda made me miss our dorm in Korea. It was small but cozy. Ugh! 

Let's say that I'm secretly rich but I didn't let anyone know because I didn't want people to like me just because I'm rich. I didn't actually even tell the guys about my family being rich. My family owns a big company called Empire which is a branch or toys and the top 1 in LA's toy branches and my father was the one running it while my mother is a doctor and we own a successful Hospital here at LA and the reason why my mom was also working at Korea is because she was invited on doing a show about medicine there and her contract was already finished so she decided on flying back here at LA which I didn't really like. If I just can, I'll stay there with the guys but sadly, I had to come back here with my mom since my parents will need me here and they already told me that they will soon pass the company to me since they were already old and they said that they want to take a rest now. So I will be starting to learn about how to run the company and I only have 3 years to do so because after 3 years, I will be finished with my studies and my parents will be passing the company to me by then.

That's why I got to work hard because after I become successful, I'll make sure to find Jeonghan again.

So wait for me Jeonghan...I'll come back for you...

!!!After 2 days!!!

~~At the Seungcheol and Jeonghan's Dorm~~

All Jeonghan's friends are all sitting at the living room, the room filled with silence, no one dared to speak because they were all getting worried about Jeonghan. He still doesn't eat and he always cry every night and day. The guys are starting to have sleepless nights too and they couldn't really take it anymore. They couldn't bare to hear Jeonghan crying again every day and night so they plan on talking to him together but everyone was too scared to enter Jeonghan's room and Jihoon couldn't take it anymore

"Guys! Can we just get this over with? Jeonghan hyung needs us right now, we can't just sit here and wait for nothing." Jihoon shouted but not to loud since Jeonghan was just a few inches away from them.

"Yeah, Let's go help Jeonghan hyung to get over this. We're his friends and we can't just leave him like that" Hoshi added which they all nodded at before standing up from their seat

Soonyoung joined them and cheol was also about to walk to Jeonghan's room but he was stopped by Jihoon

"Hyung, Let's talk..." Jihoon said in a low voice

"Sure, Let's talk, I also have something to tell you" Seungcheol and Jihoon walked to Seungcheol's room for them to have some privacy

"You should go first." Jihoon said

"No, you should go first since your the one who asked me to have a talk"

"Should we say it at the same time?" Jihoon suggested

"Good idea" Cheol answered

"On the count of 3"

"I'm breaking up with you!" They both said at the same time which made them look at each other in a surprised look

They both laughed at their childishness 

"I guess that's the end of this relationship, jihoon" Seungcheol said with a smile

"Yeah, but what makes you want to break up with me?" Jihoon wasn't hurt, he just wants to know why

"Well, I think that we aren't really meant for each other" cheol said and kinda scared because he feels like he offended jihoon in some way

"Don't worry, I also thought about the same thing. I already had planned on telling you 3 days ago but this situation happened and thought that maybe this isn't the right time. But I'm glad that we both felt the same" Jihoon said with a bright smile

"Yeah. I really hope Jeonghan will be alright again..." Cheol said with a concerned face

"Yeah...Let's head there now before they come look for us" Jihoon said and Cheol just nodded at him in response

Seungcheol and Jihoon  started heading to Jeonghan's room but they stopped when they saw the boys outside jeonghan's room.

"Really?" Jihoon said while raising a brow at them

"Yah! It's not easy y'know, what if he don't want us in there" Seokmin said

Jihoon just rolled his eyes at them and completely opened Jeonghan's room.

They couldn't bare the sight of Jeonghan crying on his bed while looking at some of their pictures with Joshua

Jihoon first approached Jeonghan and sat beside him, making jeonghan look at him

"Hyung..." Jihoon started

Jeonghan started crying again but he leaned on jihoon's shoulder and comforting him with all his might

The other boys just watched them silently from the door

"Hyung, please...Don't do this to yourself..." 

"I can't live without him Jihoon" 

"I know, you guys have been bestfriends ever since-" Jihoon was cutted when jeonghan spoke again

"Not because we were bestfriends...I Love him, not as my bestfriend, but more than that" Jeonghan spoke while sobbing at jihoon's shoulder

All the boys were shocked at jeonghan's sudden confession, well, except Mingyu of course

'Jeonghan-hyung liked Joshua-hyung?'
'Since when did this happen?'
'What just happened?'
'But I thought he liked seungcheol-hyung(?)...'
'Didn't he told me that he didn't see joshua-hyung more than just a friend? Was it an act?'
'Did jeonghan-hyung really loved Joshua hyung more than just his bestfriend?'
'I knew it, those eyes of Jeonghan-hyung can't really lie'
'What the heck? Since when?'
'As much as I want to cry at the sight of him but I just thought of a ship name, Jihan! ekk!'
'Wait wait wait! Let me process what just happened'

Their thoughts and silence filled the room but Jeonghan was still crying at Jihoon's shoulder which made Jihoon stop his thoughts and focused on his hyung

"H-hyung, Since w-when?" Hoshi asked which made everyone look at Jeonghan with questioning looks as well

"I-I actually don't know. The next thing I knew, I was already wanting him for myself...And, knowing that I made him suffer just really..." Jeonghan broke down crying again and the boys already understood what he wanted to say next so they just all approached Jeonghan and gave him the warmest hug they could ever give. They know that losing you're bestfriend and the person that you love really hurts the most, they don't know how long their hyung will go on like this but they hope that he can move on and start a new with them.


After a few hours of talking and crying with Jeonghan, they finally made him sleep in peace. They were all pretty tired right now so they all flopped themselves on the ground and some are on the couch, Slowly drifting away to dream land

'I hope they'll meet again and make things right for the both of them...'



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