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~~~~After 4 years~~~~

Jeonghan's POV

"Good Morning Mr. Yoon. Today, you'll be having a meeting in 20 minutes with the board"

"Thank you Chan, tell them that I'll be with them in a few minutes" Jeonghan said before standing from his seat.

After a few years of struggle, I finally have accomplished my dream on building my own company which makes me the  CEO or Founder of Yoon's Toy Corporation or known as YTC group and we were able to make it at the top of the most selling branch of toys in the whole South Korea. I finally made it! 

Right now, I could say that my appearance changed after those years of struggle. I dyed my hair brown and cutted it short compared to my last hairstyle. You can say that my face is still the same but I got to admit, I got prettier. 

The one who informed me of my meeting was my secretary and a really good friend of mine. His name is Lee Jung Chan but I sometimes call him Dino, I just thought of the name cause I saw some dinosaurs on some add and thought of Chan so I nicknamed him Dino but in work, I call him Chan. I met him on one of my business trips at France and I met him again here because he was also applying on the position of being an secretary so when I saw him, I quickly hired him, I knew that he was already capable since his resume was the best out of all the other applicants. 

My friends since collage was still doing well. At first, I was shocked that Jihoon and cheol had broken up, then I kinda felt guilty about it cause you know how I told jihoon about me liking cheol but they already explained that it wasn't my fault and they broke up because they knew that they weren't meant for each other. But soon after a year, Jihoon and Soonyoung became a couple and has still been a couple up until now. While cheol is...well, he still has this bad habit of his. He still likes to fight with people and some gangs around the city. We tried to stop this habit of him but nothing seems to work out, But recently, I noticed how he looks at my secretary, Chan. He would sometimes show up at my company and then stay there just to look at chan, how did I knew? Because he doesn't really have anything to do with me when he visits plus, he doesn't even talk to me and just sit there while scrolling at his phone. If he dare touch my baby, I'll slit his throat. Yes, I'm really protective of chan, he was secretly my adoptive little brother ever since I saw him again, I actually met him on the river side of France, and he was homeless and I begin to love him not in a romantic way but as a family to me. At first, I just gave him some money and food for him to buy some proper clothes, and eventually, he came here in Korea which I don't know how at first, but he explained that he always wanted to go to Korea and find a decent job here so he tried his best to earn money in France and good thing that there's this small coffee shop that allowed him to work there so he eventually earned some money and flew here, and he applied at my company and I secretly adopted him since I'm already in a decent age and I let him stay at my house since I'm also lonely there but he told me to don't let anyone know about him being my adoptive brother because he doesn't want to get some special treatment from work so I respected his decision and separate our home relationship to our work relationship and treated him like a normal employee like the others.

Jun and Minghao have also started a relationship between them and they both work as an normal employee at another company but Jun is a general manager while minghao is his secretary. My Verkwan has also started dating and started a vocal school which they were both good at. Mingyu and Wonwoo was still taking things slow since Mingyu was still studying cause his dream is to become a Doctor while wonwoo was already working.

While seokmin is still a lonely boat, but I noticed how he is slowly gaining interest on someone which we don't know who and we are still waiting for him to open up to us, his becoming really secretive this past few months but I know that there's a good reason so we didn't bother to question him more.

I kinda forgot to say that I'm still a lonely boat as well but I don't know when my love will come but I hope it comes soon since I'm already old- wait, I'm exaggerating, I'm only 24 so I'm still an angel ( u_u )

I also entered a modeling agency back then but I already pulled out from it ever since my company started going successful cause I knew that I have to give my full attention to this company, the company built with my dreams...

I didn't even have the time to go out on dates with anyone since I was really busy with some projects and paper work here in the office. Some people say that my face was such a waste If I stopped modeling since because of me, their agency became really successful. Here are some of my pics from before

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