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Joshua's POV

While we were in the car, I can't help but admire the beauty of Korea at night. There were many lights and many cars and a fresh air that I really missed about Korea.

Time check, it's already 7:00 in the evening and I still have 30 minutes more before going to the restaurant so I told Uncle Jon to drive a little faster so that I can still have time to choose for the right gift for them. I'm getting really excited!


I arrived at a beautiful jewelry shop and bought 2 special necklaces which holds a special meaning and I bought my dad's favorite shoes because he told me that he really wanted it but couldn't find where to buy some of those shoes so here I am buying this $90 dollar shoes! argh! This is $101,440.35 in Korean money and even if were rich, I don't really like spending to much since money isn't always there so you have to learn how to save money and plus, why is this shoes worth so much?! It looks like a carpet shoes and it looks like an ordinary one so why the heck is this so expensive?!

Never mind that, at least I get to make them smile because of this gifts.  So never mind the price.
I bought my sister this necklace with the quote on saying 'I love you to the moon and back'

I bought my sister this necklace with the quote on saying 'I love you to the moon and back'

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While This is what I bought for my mom

While This is what I bought for my mom

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I really liked the design so that's what I picked and bought it. You wouldn't believe how much money I wasted just to buy this three items and you probably don't wanna know so let's move on now...


Move on huh...
I can't even move on from him tsk...he must've been happy now...with cheol...

Never mind. Let's head to the restaurant now before my family feel bored plus, I don't want to keep them waiting forever y'know.

I got in the car again and checked the time. It was already 7:18 pm! My eyes grew wider as I saw what time it is already. I quickly told uncle Jon to start driving as fast as he can to get to the restaurant in time.


After a few minutes, I arrived at the restaurant and spotted my parents and my little sister. They were laughing, maybe dad was making a joke and failed to launch it. tsk...I missed them so much...

I quickly walked to them. They were on a special part of the restaurant. Our dining table was at a small cottage with some beautiful lights on it and it was really IG worthy. I was quite shocked myself, I didn't knew that it would be this beautiful, plus, it wasn't like this before so maybe they redesigned it again since their restaurant wasn't quite famous back then but their menu was really to die for and they have a very impressive staff with them so I was really pleased to see their successful restaurant right now.

"J-Jisoo oppa?" My little sister called. I was shocked to see how much her face matured but she was still like the little girl back then, in other words, she's still cute as always.

"I'm back. Mom, Dad, and Jieun" I announced which made my parents and my little sister stand up and ran to me and giving me the most warmest hug that I have ever felt ever since the year I left the gays, I mean the guys. *cough* *cough*

"Jisoo-ah...I'm so glad to see you here" my mom said while whipping her little tears beside her eyes

"Y-Yah! Oppa! Why didn't you told us that you were going back here?" 

"Surprise?" I said in a silly tone which made her punch my left arm

My parents laughed at our bickering but eventually told me to sit down next to my sister of course while waiting for our dinner to come

"So how did you know where we were?" My dad asked

"Actually, it was me who planned and reserved this spot in this restaurant" I answered

"Daebak! You're really the best Jisoo oppa! This place is really IG worthy!" My little sister squealed in excitement

I just laughed at her cuteness and her hyperness

"So, shua dear. What brings you back here in Korea?" My mom asked

"Well you see...I planned on taking over our business here instead of our company in LA" I explained and I was kinda nervous about what they were going to say since I didn't inform them anything about me taking over our company here

Their eyes widened and their jaw dropped when they heard what I just said

"What? Why?" my dad asked 

"I-I wanted to stay with you here and..." I paused when my mom spoke

"You want to find him right?" my mom asked


There was this silence and I was getting uncomfortable, especially Jieun, she knew how important our company in LA is to my dad and I knew that he might get super angry about it

He inhaled then exhaled before speaking again

"I understand. I also want to meet this boy that you've liked for almost 9 years, I assume" My dad said that made me jump a little because of happiness 

"Thank you so much dad" I stood up and hugged my dad and also my mom but before I could sit down on my chair, I remembered that I bought them some gifts before going here

"Oh...Wait a minute. I just need to get something" I said then quickly ran to the car that was parked outside the restaurant

I came back running to them while holding some boxes in my hands which made their faces turn into a frown because of curiosity 

I just smiled warmly at them and gave them their gifts before sitting down

They were all looking at me with a questioning faces

"Well? Open them!" I said which they quickly obeyed since they were curious

I saw their lips forming a smile on their faces while looking at their gifts and it actually made my wasted money worth it. Just looking at them made me also happy and warm inside.

"This is really lovely  shua-ah~" My mom said while smiling at me

"Oppa!!!!!!" Jieun squealed. I think my ear drums got broken 

"Ow! What are you shouting for?!" I asked, kind of annoyed because she screamed directly to my ear

"I love you~" She said then tried to hug me but I quickly stood up and stepped back away from her

"Ew! Sorry but I don't love you" I said back with a silly smile on my face

"I know you do~ You even bought me my favorite necklace" She said that made me confused

"What do you mean?" 

"Eh? Don't you know? This was the necklace that I always wanted ever since I was like 13 or 14 years old. You even told me that you'd buy it for me in the future so thanks!" She said while giggling

Eh? I really told her that? I didn't even remember but I'm glad I chose the right one that she liked

"You really know your father well my son" my dad said which made us laugh at him

"Dad, I really know that you like those shoes since there was not a single day that you never complain because you couldn't find it anywhere" I said while chuckling at him because of his amazed face while looking at the shoes that I bought him

"That's quite true" he answered back which made this dining table full of joy and laughter

"I'm glad that I get to stay here again" I mumbled to myself

"Did you say something hyung?" Jieun asked

"Ah no. It's nothing, just continue eating your meal" I quickly denied and ate my dinner as well

"If you say so then"

Good thing she quickly shrugged it off. phew...

"Btw hyung, do you have a picture of the boy that you like?" Jieun asked. Yes, yes. She knows that I'm gay and that I already like someone, actually not like...love. And yes, even if cheol and jeonghan are now dating but I don't know for sure, I still love him and that will never change

"Yeah. Why?" I asked while eating my food

"Can you show me? And what was his name was?" Jieun asked and my parents started listening carefully as well

I just sighed at their persistent look on their faces

"His name is Yoon Jeonghan and here is the picture" I took my phone out and go to my gallery and showed them a picture of the both of us

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