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This just reminds me of how I felt back then. No confidence, No courage, and already lost hope.

I don't even know how the hell did I even got the courage to see him again and sacrifice my position on our company in LA just to come here

Sometimes....I ask myself, that how can some people have something so easily? 


I really want to know the answer...but where can I find it?


It's jieun! I thought that I told her to go ahead

"What are still doing here? Didn't I told you to just go ahead?" I asked

"Ehh~ I want to us to arrive together" Jieun said as she wraps her hands on my arm

"Aigoo~ Arasso. Let's go!" I said as we both ran to the Café

I got to admit, for a second there, I forgot about Jeonghan and seungcheol. And now I regret remembering again. (-_-)

"Oh? There he is! Oppa! Here!" Jieun shouted as she waved her hand to someone inside the Café

We both entered and Jieun guided me towards the person she just waved. I was laughing at how excited she is, she's really pulling me at a fast pace which I couldn't keep up with *sigh* Girls are really hard to understand sometimes

She stopped which made me look ahead of us and there....I saw someone from my past...

"Lee Seokmin?!" I blurted out in shock

"Jisoo hyung?!" He said with his eyes wide open also because of shock

"Uhh...Do you guys know each other?" Jieun asked in confusion

"Of course we do!" I said in excitement

Seokmin stood up and immediately hugged me tightly and started sobbing which left me and my sister dumbfounded

"H-hyung, I m-missed you s-so much" He said between sobs 

I forgot that his also part of the people who I left just like that, that day....

I patted his back before speaking "I'm back seokmin-ah...I'm sorry for leaving you guys" I said with a smile on my face

He backed away and looked at me directly

"I'm glad your back hyung but...have you and...you-know-who talked already?" Seokmin said as he wipe his tears away

"I saw him...but he didn't see me" I said and started recalling what I saw before going here


The atmosphere suddenly went down and silence remained until we finally sat down 

I kept on looking at seokmin and started to worry. This is the first time for me to see him like this. Usually, his always energetic and always has a bright smile on his face but now, I can't see any of it. All I can see is worry, sadness, and most of all, a expression which has so many questions.

I was about to start talking again when my sister got ahead of me

"I'm sorry but what the heck is happening here? Can someone please explain to me and who is that 'you-know-who' person?" My sister asked 

Seokmin looked at me then looked back at my sister who has a big question mark on her eyes

"That you-know-who is Jeonghan" I started

"Your first love? The reason why you came back here again?" Jieun asked which made seokmin's eyes widen in shock

"You came back for him hyung?" Seokmin asked, still shocked

"Sacrifice" II JIHAN IIWhere stories live. Discover now