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Happy 4th anniversary to Seventeen's "Don't wanna cry"<3

It's been four years since this masterpiece was released and it still hits every carat's heart. 

Also, Happy shujeong/jihan day to every jihan fan out there!!! ^-^

"Jeonghan-hyung! Please get ready. we'll be leaving in a few minutes" Chan shouted from the living room


It's already 5:30 pm and here I am, still laying down on my bed, thinking about who I saw before.

His back...with someone else. And he broke his promise again....

Has he...already forgotten his promise? After 4 years passed...Did you forget about me and didn't remember your promise?

I didn't know that your heart would change after leaving...I thought that you'll always love me? What happened to that other promise as well? Did the wind blew it away? 

How many times do you have to promise something to me then break it in the end? I believed in you....only you. 

"They both didn't see the true feelings of each other. They've been playing around ever since then and didn't know what's the truth and what's false."

What chan said really hits me hard, Because it's true. I was also at fault for what happened but He was also at fault. We were both wrong from the very beginning. I can't believe that I let this problem last for so long...I should have followed him to LA on the day he left, to make things right. To clear things up, and to answer his confession...That I, also have love him for a very long time now....

I was wrong to ignore my bestfriends feelings....He was wrong from keeping things from me. But, come to think of it, at that time, we didn't get to hang out much often since I was always with seungcheol and my feelings for him. Maybe that's one of the reasons why we are slowly drifting apart as the days go by back then. 

hah...how I wish that I could turn back time. Being with him and doing things that we used to do is something that I really miss, but most of all, I miss his warmth...

The warmth that I've always long for. The warmth that I really love. The kind of warmth that he can only give.

I wish that I was the one in jisoo's arms right now, Not that girl. I want to see him again...but what if he doesn't want to see me? 

sigh. I wish that wishes come true. If it does then please...let me love jisoo the way he loved me back then...And for him to give me a chance and reciprocate my love for him. For him to at least try to love me again...but if he really doesn't anymore...maybe I'll just leave him alone and never bother his happy life anymore. I'd rather try than give up right now. 

Finding someone special is a once in a lifetime experience that I never wanna loose. I'll fight until I win you back shua. I'll fight what's mine and only mine.

"Jeonghan hyung!!!!!!" 

I immediately jolted up because of the sudden shout, of course it's none other than my precious baby dino. His all dressed up formally, He looks great. 

"Oh? Dino-ya, you look good in that suit" I said as I walk towards him 

"And you look horrible!" Dino said with a disappointment look on his face

I looked at myself and reality finally strikes me. 

The party!

I quickly ran inside my closet and found my outfit. I put it on then did my hair and put on my shoes then finally ran back to dino who was leaning on my door frame

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