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Joshua's POV

It's been three months since I last talked with Jeonghan properly, without all the other bothers. I don't know why but in this past few months, he was somehow trying to talk with me but unfortunate things keep on happening. Even I was surprised. 

I miss him...every single day. I don't know how long I can keep this act up but I sometimes can't hold it in anymore. What will I do now? 

I want to hold him, hug him, kiss him, and damn cuddle with him every each day. 

Can't cheol just find another person to love? Why does it have to be Jeonghan? As far as I can remember, he wasn't interested in Jeonghan, even in the slightest bit. So what happened?! Why are they suddenly together now??? Did Seungcheol suddenly fell for Jeonghan then courted him? Or is it the other way around(?) 

Sigh. Like hell he'll give Jeonghan up just like that. 

Ugh!!! This is really frustrating!!! 

"Knock Knock!" Someone said then entered my room directly

"What is it Jieun? If your just here to fool around then you can leave. I'm not in the mood for this" I said as I covered myself with my blanket

"I'm sure that you'll thank me for this" Jieun said that made me groan then stood up

"What is it? Spill!" I said, irritation can be noticed in my voice

"Dad invited the one and only Yoon Jeonghan to have dinner with us tonight here in the mansion" Jieun broke the news that made me speechless 

"Invited who?!" I shouted

"Yoon Jeonghan. The CEO of YTC. Your first love" Jieun repeated

"What the- Since when did they start getting close with each other??? Does dad know that his the jeonghan that I love?" I asked, panicking

"Unfortunately, no. He wouldn't invite him over if he did know y'know" Jieun said that actually has a point

Ehhh?! What the-! How-! When-! 

"Sign. What's the point in panicking? It's not like he's going here for me anyway" I said then sat back down on my bed while staring blankly at the ceiling

"Now that's where your wrong my dear brother" Jieun said as a smile form on her lips

"What do you mean?" I asked with confusion

"It's better if dad will be the one to break the news to you guys so let's skip that. Plus, I have one more good news for you" Jieun said 

"What is it now?" I asked again

"Name: Yoon Jeonghan
Age: 24 yrs. old
Birthday: October 4, 1995
Zodiac sign: Libra
Height: 178cm
Blood type: B
-The CEO of Yoon's Toy Corporation
-Adopted a boy named Lee Jung Chan at the age of 20 right now and secretly his assistant.
-Parents died at the age of 16
-An only child
-Likes to play the bass guitar
-Easily gets tired
-Likes to prank people
And blah blah blah blah. But most of all, it says here that he never dated ever since birth" Jieun said with a grin on her face

"What....? Never dated since birth??? You got to be kidding" I asked then snatched the paper she was reading

"Nope. It clearly says here that he never dated. That means that he still isn't taken as well" Jieun explained again


"This is his present information. We double checked everything and confirmed every each information written in this piece of paper" Jieun said which left me dumbfounded

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