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Jeonghan's POV

How can a meeting be this boring? This old men's are really boring as heck! I wonder how some people can endure this kind of stuff. 

Yes, I'm at a restaurant right now, having a meeting with some elders about their companies. I thought that this meeting is about an investment? Why are they only talking about their success and all? Don't get me wrong, I respect them, a lot really. But I'm really bored as heck right now.

It's already eight in the evening right now and they still haven't talk about the investment that we were suppose to speak about. How long will they chat about various of things that doesn't make sense to me? This is why you shouldn't really talk with some elders because  you wouldn't understand a single thing! *sigh* They're really wasting time y'know...

"Mr. Yoon, How is your company doing?" Mr. Yang asked, disturbing my thoughts

"It's been doing well, we were glad to have reached the top selling toys this year. I hope this also goes well in the next years" I said while smiling

"Yes, I've heard about it. I must say, your really something else Mr. Yoon. At such a young age, you've already become a CEO and a successful person that is well known in the whole country" Mr. Nam said with acknowledgement in his tone 

"I'm flattered, but I think that this success is not only mine, but also the success of our employees. Since they've also worked hard to make our companies stronger right? Without them, our companies wouldn't be successful right now. Don't you agree with me Mr. Nam and Mr. Yang?" I said 

"That's right. I'm amazed on how well you took care of your company and it's people. And in such a young age, you sure know how to manage everything well. Tell us, what's your secret?" Mr. Nam asked

"Well...This company is actually made by not just my dreams, but also the dreams of my..." I trailed off

"Of?" Mr. Yang asked in curiosity

"M-My Bestfriend!" I said as a smile of victor plastered on my face

"I see. So that's why your so successful, you have the love of your life as an inspiration" Mr. Yang said

"Y-Yeah..." I said before drinking some wine

As much as I want to correct Mr. Yang that we aren't a 'thing', I just couldn't bring myself to correct it. Maybe because I still love him...Maybe because I'm still hoping that there will be an 'Us'...but what if there isn't?

"By the way, Have you heard about the new CEO of Empire Corp.?" Mr. Yang started

"Yes. I have heard that his really good at making deals with other companies. I was told that he was also smart and good-looking. It says that he also was a model before entering the company. Plus, he has made many connections even before he was appointed as the new CEO of Empire" Mr. Nam informed

"Yes, I've also heard about that. And that's not all, I've heard that his well known in LA for his Gentleman image. This kid must be a real ideal person" Mr. Yang said in response

'Is this guy that perfect? And, his really famous. He just arrive yesterday and his already a hot topic to every businessman I know' 'Is he that handsome?' 'Also a model like me?' 'Gentleman image?' 

"Oh. I almost forgot. Mr. Yoon.." Mr. Yang trailed off which made me look at his direction

"It says that he is also the same age as you. And I heard that their company became more successful ever since he started leading it" Mr. Yang said

"Really?!" Mr. Nam asked


"Wow, Looks like you'll be having a little competitor Mr. Yoon" Mr. Nam said before grinning

'tsk, this old man is really a piece of shit'

"Well...I don't mind that. The only purpose why I built my company is to make children happy. I don't really care even if they beat us on the top rank, I only want to see children happy while carrying the toys we made" I said with a sarcastic smile on my face

"I-I see..." 

'hah! I beat you in your own game. Did they really think that I'll be shaken off just by a business competitor?'

"Looks like this meeting is going nowhere. I appreciate the small talk and all but I think that were already wasting both of our time so I'll be going a head now. Thank you for the meal Mr. Yang, Mr. Nam." I bowed before leaving them there, speechless. 

I was told that Mr. Nam and Mr. Yang want me to invest in their project that they'll be doing next month but I'm not as a patient as the others. They're just blabbering about ridiculous things and they've wasted most of my time! First, I've got so many paper work early in the morning. Second, I had to deal with Seungcheol and Chan, and third! This two annoying business men's! *sigh* this really sucks....

'I hope...tomorrow will be more...lucky than today'

~The next day~

Joshua's POV

I'm getting suspicious about the people around me. I feel like they're hiding something from me. I noticed this ever since yesterday morning. Even my family is suspicious right now. What the heck is happening?!

"Jisoo oppa!" Jieun called


"C-Can you go with me to the café near your company today?" Jieun asked nervously

"Why? What's up? Are you alright? You seem...nervous" I asked/said

"I-I actually wanted you to meet someone...if it's alright with you(?)" Jieun said

"Who?" I asked

"U-Uhh...It's-" Jieun didn't get to finish because I immediately cutted her off

"Stop stuttering. Just stay calm, whatever it might be, I'm sure I'll help you in anyway how" I assured her

"I-I..." Jieun immediately became flustered 

I was still waiting for her to say it herself and tried not to get ahead of myself 

I was getting impatient but didn't budge from my sit and just raised a brow

She immediately breathed in and out before answering my question

"I actually have a suitor..." Jieun said; I was greatly astonished by the sudden news 

"That's great Jieun! I'm happy that you've already found someone special" I said in joy

"W-what? So your not going to tell me to stay away from him?" Jieun asked with widen eyes

I chuckled before answering "Of course not. I actually thought that you'll be alone forever" I said and made me earn a smack at the shoulder from jieun which made me giggle

"Not funny oppa!" Jieun said in annoyance

"But, really, If you love him then go for it. Such chances to find someone special is not something you can just get everyday y'know. Follow your heart jieun, just like how I followed my heart, which is why I'm back here in Korea, just to find the love of my life again" I said in a soft tone which made her smile and immediately hugged me tightly

"Thank you so much Jisoo oppa!" Jieun exclaimed in happiness

"Sooooo? Will you come with me?" Jieun asked again

"I have nothing to do today so, why not?" I said before smiling at her

"Yes!!" Jieun said while whispering 

"Alright alright. What time are we leaving?" I asked

"Right now!" Jieun said with excitement in her tone

"What? W-Wai-" I didn't get to finish eating and talking because she quickly pulled me from my chair at the dining room

Jeonghan's POV

Wahh! A really good morning to you all!!! As you can all see...I just woke up -_-

I got woken up because of my doorbell ringing. And it's really annoying, but I won't let it ruin my beautiful mood today

I got up from my bed then headed down stairs to open the door. To my surprise, it was none other than Lee Jung Chan, and Choi Seungcheol doing lovey-dovey things early in the morning... And in front of my doorstep!!! This gays really need a beating up later.

"Yah! Why didn't you just open the freaking door yourselves?! I have to get up from my beauty sleep only to see you guys being all lovey-dovey early in the morning!" I shouted at the two which made them jump a little because of shock

Chan quickly turned away from seungcheol and lowered him head in embarrassment 

"S-Sorry hyung...I didn't mean to disturb your sleep. I just...forgot to bring my keys" Chan explained, on the verge of tearing up

This is one of Chan's characteristics, he easily gets emotional about everything, in other words, his sensitive.

"*sigh* Don't worry Dino-yah. I'm not mad at you, alright? Don't cry, sorry for shouting at you" I hugged and patted his hair before letting them in the house

As we all got in, they both sat on the couch while I'm getting some water for dino

"Btw cheol..." I trailed off which made seungcheol look at my direction while still calming dino who just cried

"You should really know that dino is really sensitive about small things so you should be careful alright?" I advised at seungcheol who just nodded in response

"Looks like I still have a lot to learn" Seungcheol said before gazing back at dino

"You should start right now, you won't know how long you'll be together" 

"Yah! Don't say that!" Seungcheol shouted from the living room where they sat

"mianhe" I said in response

"Anyways, anyone up for a little stroll around the city? We could ride the motorcycles at the garage" I asked before entering the living room with my milk on my hand

"Hmm...I don't thi-" Seungcheol was cutted when chan suddenly stood up from his side

"Really?! I want to go!" Chan said with excitement which made me smile at his cuteness

"Channie baby, are you sure you want to? Do you know how to drive one? What if you get hurt? What if-" Seungcheol was cutted off again by chan

"Shush! I know how to ride it y'know. Jeonghan hyung taught me how to so stop your negative thoughts and let's have fun!" Chan said 

"See cheol? Don't worry too much. Chan is good at driving it and I'm sure I thought him everything that he needs to know so stop your blabbering and let's hit the road!" I said as I started walking upstairs to change my clothes.

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