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Jeonghan's POV

Annyeonghaseyo people!!! Your back again at another angel han's POV~! HAHAHAHAHAHA

Anyways, right now, I'm already at work and the worst thing is that there is so many paper work waiting for me here in my office when I entered. Like ugh! Who wouldn't hate it if early in the morning, this is the first thing that will surprise you when you get to work. 

Welp, better start working or else Chan will put more paper work in my desk...*sigh*


I've already done half of the tower of paper works that were in my table. Ugh!!! I can't do it anymore, my precious hands are hurting already...

I should be finding him right now but how can I if there is so much paper work!!! This really is a big headache.

"What's with the grumpy attitude huh, han?" Someone said while entering my office WITHOUT permission

"Yah! You can't just enter my office without permission! And plus, don't you know how to knock?!" I shouted at the guy who just entered

"Eh. I always do it so why scold me now? What's with your attitude today? Did something happen?"  It was none other than Choi Seungcheol. I have to deal with this shit again and really early in the morning?! Why am I so unlucky today?!! I didn't even do anything wrong to deserve this!!!

I just sighed "What brings you here?" I asked before looking at the paper work in front of me again

"Nothing." This little piece of shit is really pissing me off!

"Then get out!" I shouted 

"Eh~" He said before sitting comfortably at the couch in my office

"Chan!!!!!" I shouted which made him jolt and sit in a rightful way. 'knew it would work' I thought to myself and  chuckled at his behavior just now.

"Yes?" Chan entered with a file on his hands but what caught my eyes were how he jumped a little when he saw cheol. tsk, this two lovebirds. They're making me look like their third wheel

"Who let that guy in?" I said while pointing at cheol but cheol was too busy at his phone while this little guy in front of ME, is just staring at him! Tsk.

"STOP STARING AT HIM AND LISTEN TO ME!!!" I shouted at chan which made him jump a little and blush so he lowered his head so no one can see him blush, but too bad, I saw it, and it looks like cheol also saw it cause his smirking right now at dino. 

"C-Can you repeat what you just said sir?" Dino asked while still lowering his head

"Never mind. Just get your butt on cheol" 

"P-Pardon?" Chan asked 

I saw how hard dino was blushing right now but y'know how evil we are so cheol also joined the teasing

"Yeah, get your ass right here" Cheol smirked. 

Eww! I'm sure that guy is already having dirty thoughts about my baby dino. Why? because he kept on looking at dino's butt and it looks like his already tearing off dino's clothes with his gaze. I can feel dino being uncomfortabe with cheol's gaze so I quickly hugged him and covered chan with my body. But I want some thrill so this time....let's tease cheol *laughs evilly*

"Chan~ Who's baby are you?" I looked at dino with a smile  which made him blush. I already knew why he blushed because he always does whenever I ask this question in front of other people, he said that he always feel embarrassed about it which was amusing but what really amused me was cheol's face right now. His hand was gripping on his phone while I slide my hand on chan's waist which I knew that would made cheol act up. This is actually the first time cheol would hear me asking dino this question that's why he doesn't know what it really meant

"J-Jeong-" Dino was about to answer but was quickly pulled away and made him face cheol's chest which made him blush

"His my baby! Don't you ever touch him again or else I'll forget that we were ever friends" Cheol said in a threatening tone

"Ouch! I'm hurt cheol. Your really going to ruin our friendship because of a boy? Do you like him?" I asked right away which I know that will made cheol answer immediately since he wasn't thinking properly. I can clearly see it cause he would never ever want to cut ties with me since we've been friends, like, since we were at middle grade.

"Of course I like him! I actually don't 'like' him, I love him so keep your hands to yourself!" Cheol looks so angry right now while my baby chan was shocked at cheol's sudden confession and it made him turn red so he quickly hid his face in cheol's chest which made cheol come back to reality and realized what he just said which made him also blush. While I watch the both of them blush, I was already dying from laughing. They're faces were priceless lol

"See? What's so hard in confessing?" I asked before sitting back on my seat

"Shut the hell up! I'm leaving" Cheol quickly left and leaving chan standing there

I was quite shocked myself. Like, how can he leave chan just like that after shouting out loud that he likes my baby? I'm getting pissed! 

I looked at chan and his face  was blank, I felt like many thoughts are going through his head right now. I wanted to comfort him but he quickly fixed his posture and looked directly at my eyes and his eyes were also blank. No emotions, No anything. I can't seem to see through him right now. This is all your fault Choi Seungcheol!!! Just you wait, I'll murder you for making my baby like this! 

I was about to stand up to hug him but he gave me a look that made me sit back down

"Anyways, You'll be having a meeting with the board today to talk about the new appointed CEO of Empire Corp." Chan said

"New appointed CEO? Is Mr. Hoon retiring already?" I asked with an shocked face since Mr. Hoon was a really good business partner and he also helped us to get where we are right now so I really owe him, big time

"No. I was informed that he'll be moving to LA next week to take over their other company" Chan explained

"Oh? So who will replace Mr. Hoon's position?" I asked with curiosity 

"I'm still not sure, but I heard rumors that it would be the oldest son of the real owner of Empire Corp." 

'oldest son?'

"Wait a minute...Mr. Hoon was not the real owner of Empire Corp.?" I asked in confusion

"Didn't you know?" Chan asked and it looks like he knows something that I don't know 

"ani?" I answered

"Well, we all knew about it. He was only taking care of the company and was waiting until the oldest son comes in age to inherit their family business.  I heard that he was their butler and I'm kinda shocked myself as well. Looks like they really trust Mr. Hoon to even let him take care of their company for many years now." 

"But didn't Mr. Hoon already took care of their company in 9 years now?" I asked

"Yeah, some rumors said that the true owner of Empire Corp. was in LA and they took care of Empire Corp. there but that was their second branch. And I've heard that the Hong's oldest son are pretty handsome and he was once a model before taking over their family's company so he is really famous back in  LA. While his little sister is still learning how to manage their family's Hospital which was also located in LA" Chan explained every detail without even breathing so he quickly took a deep breath before calming down

'H-Hong's?' 'I-It can't be...' 'I-It can't be him' 'M-Maybe they just have the same last name' 'I know that he wasn't rich, he life was only average...' 'B-But what if it is h-him?' 'W-Will he remember m-me?' 'A-After what I've done to him...' 'Can he even forgive me for making him suffer from that disease?'

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice chan already calling me

"HYUNG!!!!" Dino shouted beside my ear which made me come back to reality and cover my ears

"Ow! What was that for?!" I asked almost annoyed

"You were spacing out and didn't even hear what I just said!" 

"Oh? What did you say?" I asked innocently. Dino just sighed before repeating what he just said

"I said that your almost late for the board meeting! I mean your already late! Pali!" Chan shouted which made me run out of my office because I was already late! hays! I'm worrying too much about this new appointed CEO. Maybe it isn't him...right?


*At Empire Corp.*

'Who's that handsome guy?'
'is he a new employee?' '
We're lucky to have someone so handsome as a coworker ekk!'

Joshua heard this few comments about him which made him smile that the people here already like him so he wouldn't be having a hard time getting along with the employees. Except that they thought that he was also a employee that will be with them in this part of the building. But sadly I weren't part of their family since I'm their boss and I really need to be strict but I guess I'll be a little nice to them since they all look kind

Joshua is now having a tour at their company and he can notice the other employees gazes that were looking at him. He knows that they are admiring his appearance since he got to admit that he is handsome. Uncle Jon was the one giving him a tour so maybe that was also another reason why they are gazing at me

We are already heading to my office which will be like my room for the next few years and I saw that everything was newly designed except for the walls that were still painted with some color that I can't think of what color but it really suits the place, the place looks so modern and perfectly designed. I'm not that picky at this like this designs but I appreciate their effort on designing my office. I could say that I was pretty pleased about this company and I knew that Uncle Jon took care of this company really well so I'm glad that  we have uncle Jon in our family

We walked out of my office and headed to the other employees part of the building which was a few inches from my office.

Ever since we entered the room, everyone started whispering and staying silent while eying us. I don't know why but I don't really want to see their reaction when they hear that I'll be their new Boss cause I don't want them to fear me y'know

Uncle Jon clapped his hands three times to get the employees attention before speaking

"Listen up everyone!" Uncle said which made the employees look at him only

"This is Mr. Hong Joshua and he will be your new boss starting from today" Uncle Jon said and I could see the shocked faces of every employee in this room, like, who would've thought that I'll be their boss y'know? I look to gentle to even look like a boss

Someone raised his hands and stood up and it looks like his about to ask something

"How can he replace you Mr. Hoon? Is he your son?" the employee asked. it looks like they didn't know who I was and it looks like they all thought that Uncle Jon was the real owner of Empire Corp.

"Uhh...No. Actually His the oldest son of the real owner of this company which was Mr. Asher Hong" Uncle Jon explained

I saw how  they're mouths open and their eyes widen at the sudden news that they didn't even knew about

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