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~After Two Weeks~

"sigh...It's been two weeks now and Jeonghan hyung still hasn't attend school. I'm getting kinda worried about his academics" Jun said

Seungcheol, Jihoon, Minghao, and Jun are in the living room while eating some sandwich. Jihoon and Seungcheol finally told the guys that they have already ended their relationship and the boys were at 'aww' because they thought that those two were really going to last long. Believe it or not, they all believed that Jihoon was the one who can tame Seungcheol's bad habit of fighting with people but unfortunately, it wasn't him and Seungcheol still fights but not to often because he was also worried about jeonghan who was now still in his room, he didn't step foot outside ever since Joshua left and we noticed how he gets thinner everyday which made most of the boys worried.

"That's true. I'm also worried about his health, he hasn't eaten much food and hasn't talked to anyone ever since he left...sigh" Jihoon answered

"What if we talk to him again?" Minghao suggested

"I also think that's a good idea but what if he doesn't want to talk?" cheol asked

"Then-" Minghao was stopped from saying another word because they all heard a door open, and to their surprise, it was Jeonghan's door that have opened and then revealed a well looked boy with his long blonde hair and was also wearing his uniform and his backpack. 

It shocked us all to see him step out and looked like he was about to head to class. They all stood up and approached Jeonghan who was also giving them a questioning look

"What's up?" Jeonghan stated making them widen their eyes more

"Don't 'What's up' us, What happened to you?" Jun shouted back

"Why? What happened to me?" Jeonghan was still confused about their questions

"I mean, why are you out of you're room? Didn't you told us that you just want to stay at you're room? And is this for real?! Are you going to school again???" Minghao said

"Ahh. About that, I decided on working hard from now on, while the time that I'm in my room this past few days, I realized that I can't just sit there forever and do nothing, I know that I miss Joshua and all but I still have a dream to accomplish y'know. And...I also want to make Joshua's dream come true..." Jeonghan paused a bit

"What dream?" cheol asked

Jeonghan smiled at them before answering " His dream was to help the kids on the streets and I promised him that someday if he doesn't accomplish that dream, I'll be the one to accomplish it. He wants to give them food, a house, and a toy...that's why, In the future, I'll build my own company of toys and help those kids that he really wants to help..." Jeonghan said before looking away and trying to stop himself from crying again. All of this dream stuff just made him miss Joshua more and he knew that he couldn't hide it from the guys in front of him so he just let his tear fall

"You must've loved him more than anything huh..." Jihoon said

"More than everything in the world..." Jeonghan said before looking at them and gave them a reassuring smile

"So, please stop worrying about me, I'll be fine, and when I become successful, I'll make sure to find shua again..." Jeonghan said which made the boys tear up

"I'm glad that you're back, Yoon Jeonghan" Jun said before hugging the older

"Thanks, you all really helped me get through this all and I'm thankful for having you guys with me" 

"Yah! Why would we leave you y'know..." Jihoon said before hugging him and were followed by the other two

"We'll help you get you're dreams, for you, and for him. We'll always be here so lean on us when you're having a hard time alright?" Jihoon continued and started sobbing as well

Jeonghan just chuckled at the cheesiness in those words but also teared up because of their care for him. His glad to have them here with him. 

They all laughed when someone barged in and shouted why they weren't part of the group hug. Jeonghan felt happy and loved again but he still wished that he was here with them...

'I'll make our dreams come true...and when that time comes, I'll find you again like how I found you on the bridge that day...'

~! Flashback !~

Jeonghan's POV

The weather's really nice today, might as well take a walk at my favorite place.

Jeonghan was off to go to where he usually spends his time because it was peaceful and quiet there and no one knew about the place since the entrance to it was covered so people didn't knew about it

He walked a few minutes and finally arrived at his destination. It was really lovely there when the weather is sunny and you can clearly see the beautiful scenery and view of the whole place from there and when he has time, he would always watch the sunset there, alone but peaceful.

He enjoyed the view around the place but he decided to head to his favorite spot, at the bridge.  The bridge was beautifully made and the water below it was really clear and the air from there is really fresh so he mostly go there whenever he wants to have a cool head

He walked happily while smiling at the surroundings but something caught his eye, there was a boy...He was stunning and the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. The boy was like having a photoshoot at the bridge because of how well he fit with the surrounding with his gentle and soft smile and Jeonghan noticed how well his face was. He had a pointy nose, well crafted lips and eyes like a cat which made it more perfect. Jeonghan couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy at the bridge but was also shocked to see him there because people usually don't find this place so easily

The boy at the bridge saw Jeonghan and turned to him with a smile which made Jeonghan adore him more, he doesn't know why but he kinda feel attracted to the boy and unconsciously started walking to him with his eyes locked with the boys eyes as well

They both examined both their figures and couldn't help but feel amazed.

Joshua's POV

What is this place? It's really beautiful but why is it covered up? People would really love to see this place, it was really IG worthy and it had a comforting scenery, maybe that's why my feet brought me here. I was really stressed out today because we just moved to this new town and country so I was kinda pissed because no one told me about it, I just woke up at the plain and saw my mom smiling at me. I wasn't really familiar with this place since it was my first time here but my mom told me that she used to go here very often before. But the worst part is that I can't understand anything they say. Like, Are they cursing each other? Are they fighting each other? I got really confused because of their weird mood swings and the tone of their voices. sigh...

I walked around the place and something really caught my eye. It was a really beautiful bridge, kinda like the bridge in some fairytales that I used to read to my little sister when she was young (Yes, in this story, Joshua has a little sister and Jeonghan doesn't. So they kinda like switched -_-)

She was left in LA with my dad and I kinda envied her because she gets to stay at a place she's most familiar with while here I am walking like a stupid person who can't understand anything they say!

This is really frustrating...

My thoughts stopped when I felt the most fresh air that I have ever felt my entire life. It wasn't cold or hot, It was just the warmest air I've ever felt, and it kinda feels like someone was hugging me so I closed my eyes and started feeling the air and the peacefulness around me...

I frowned when I heard some footsteps approaching. I felt a little nervous bacause what if this place was restricted and was already owned by some people that I don't understand the language of. I'm really dead. Ugh! Why is there so many problems today? Is god punishing me? No, that can't be. I always prayed, each night, day, and afternoon. I never skipped one prayer so why???

I turned to my side to meet the person that I thought was the owner of the place or something but I unconsciously smiled at the guy that I saw in front of me, he was beautiful as heaven. He had brown hair and his face was so angelic, Kinda like an angel I mean. He was tall, maybe just the same height as me and he looked like his just the same age as me. 

He approached me with his eyes locked with my eyes, I have to admit, his something that you don't really see everyday. 

"Hi, What brings to this place?" The boy in front of me spoke which I didn't understand even a single thing that he just said, I still wasn't fluent with Korean language so I was really clueless

"I'm sorry but I can't understand anything you said, I'm just new here in Korea and still not really fluent with you're language" I said in English, Good thing he understood me despite my accent 

" Is it so? I'm not fluent with English but I'll try my best" The boy in front of me said and I can clearly see that he was telling the truth because his grammar was wrong but at least he tried y'know

"Thank you for understanding, I'm Joshua btw"

"I'm Jeonghan"

~~Thirds Person's POV~~

The two boys talked and talked and Jeonghan also taught Joshua some Korean words that he could use and he was pleased to know that Joshua was a fast learner so he didn't have a hard time teaching him while Joshua was really enjoying himself, and was also happy to meet a good friend and told him about the place. Joshua felt relieved that no one owned this place. 

The two became good friends and gave each other their numbers and parted ways but they soon found out that they were going to the same school which made the two boys excited, at first Joshua felt like he was loved by a friend again but afterwards, he felt that he loved Jeonghan, not as a friend but in a romantic way and this feelings lingered to him for years...

"Let's stay together forever Jeonghan-ah"

~~~End of Flashback~~~



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