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Third person's POV

The both of them stared at each other with hesitation if they should call the other out or just run away.

The both of them sure do want to see each other so much but what will they do if they actually see each other again?

They don't know what to do, they don't know what to say. In short, they're both clueless and both stuck in the thought of 'what to do'

"Jeonghan...? Holy shit-!" Jieun accidentally cursed under her breath but immediately covered her mouth. The only rule that Joshua has for Jieun is to don't say bad words in front of him although but Joshua definitely heard which made him broke out from his thoughts and processed through what's happening.

Joshua looked down and looked back at the beautiful man in front of him. 'I can't let him know that I still love him. If he does, then I'm sure that will ruin everything again. In short, I have to hide again...just like before. I have to pretend again. I have to sacrifice again...but what benefit do I get in doing this? Maybe seeing him smile again...Yeah, maybe that's it.' Joshua thought

Joshua regained his composure and smiled as if nothing happened and like their stares never happened.

Joshua thought that he has to endure again since it was his fault for coming back here and only to get hurt that he obviously knew about.

Joshua walked hand in hand with Jieun towards Jeonghan which made Jeonghan flinch at shock because of Joshua's sudden action.

He wasn't ready upon facing Joshua again for the first time in 4 years. How can he know if Joshua is happy to see him or not?

'Joshua...I'm sorry' Jeonghan thought.

He wished that he can say it directly to him right now but...there's someone else with him right now.

"Jeonghan-ssi, It's nice to see you again" Joshua said that made Jeonghan flinch again.

Who would knew that his voice would still be as gentle as before? Well, Jeonghan didn't. He thought that maybe Joshua's voice changed a bit since they're adults now and the last time he heard his voice was still back in their college days.

But, what Jeonghan didn't expect was his weird actions as if nothing happened between them which gave him confusion

"A-Ah, yes, it's good to see you again to Jisoo" Jeonghan said as he lift his hand to shook Joshua's hand

Joshua shook hands with him then said "I don't wanna sound arrogant but I really prefer that you call me Joshua-ssi. Since we are both in a business party and we aren't really close in the first place" Joshua said with a smile plastered on his face.

Jeonghan froze in his spot while thinking 'W-we're not c-close?'

"A-Ah, yes. Y-You're right. Please forgive my rudeness" Jeonghan said then slightly bowed as a sign of apology but he didn't actually knew why he had to apologies for. He knew that they weren't just ordinary friends, they we're bestfriends and they're both special for each other so jeonghan thought that 'why did he say that we aren't close?'

"No worries" Joshua said then the place was filled with silence again

'Are they really just going to stare at each other?' Jieun thought because they haven't notice that she was still there.

"H-How are you Joshua-ssi?" Jeonghan asked while taking a sip at his drink

" I'm doing great. It's been a while since I last came here in Korea" Joshua said as he avoided Jeonghan's gaze when he said the last phrase

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