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Hoshi was about to call the others when Jihoon suddenly called him

"Jihoon!!! Do you want to hang out???" Hoshi was really excited because joshua asked them to hang out

'What do you mean 'hang out'? Don't you know that your already late for our meet up today?'

"What meet up? Did we even scheduled one?"

'Of course we did, I mean YOU did'

"huh?! What is this meet up for?"

'Your the leader of this research that we're on with for Professor Cesar's class. And we only have 5 more days to finish this, if you won't come here in 10 minutes, I'll tell professor that you didn't help anything at all'

"What?! I'll be right there!! Wait for me!"

Joshua heard the shouting from outside, so he decided on seeing who it was

"Hoshi? Why are you shouting???"

"HYUNG!! I'm really sorry, I can't go with your hangout today, as well as Jihoon, The8, Jun, and Wonwoo"

"What? Why? Didn't you just agree, like a few minutes ago?"

"Something urgent came up and I clearly forgot about it, I'm really sorry hyung, I'll make it up to you next time but I'll try calling the others if any of them is free"

"O-ohh alright, no worries, go"

"I'm really sorry hyung"

"It's alright don't worry"

"Alright, I really got to go hyung! See you when I get back alright? Byee!!!"


Joshua was left inside their dorm, he felt really sad that there aren't anyone who can go hang out with him in his last day in Korea. Actually he was planning to bring them to a beautiful place and there he will tell them about him leaving Korea tomorrow

'I don't think there will ever be a next time...'

Joshua just felt more worse while thinking about that so he just went out by himself.

He thought about calling seungkwan but he remembered that seungkwan has a meet up today with Vernon, his crush. Joshua told seungkwan this morning that he won't be going with him to meet vernon today because ever since joshua woke up, he wasn't really feeling good about this day even though Sunday is his favorite day

Joshua already tried calling Mingyu, and DK but they weren't answering, 'hah...I don't really want to be alone today'

He scrolled down his contacts and saw seungcheol's name but he doesn't really feel like calling him so he scrolled until the bottom and still didn't see anyone he wanted to call, so he decided to see his past calls and something caught his eyes. It was from his past calls, it was full of jeonghan's name on his past calls that made him also surprised, he didn't knew that they always call each other, as in, every each day and becuase of that, joshua remembered in the letter that he wrote for jeonghan, there was something that he said that we were always together and we  always listen to each other.  

Joshua is slowly getting the point of that letter so he decided on investigating on the letter and sat at the park

He silently sat there alone and to his surprise, there was no one inside the park so it was so quiet then he got shocked when he heard someone beside him

"uhm..." Joshua turned to his side and saw the person who he was having trouble with

"Ahh...Jeonghan, what brings you here?" Joshua asked

"Well...Hoshi called me and told me to go here but he didn't tell me anything else"

"Ahh I see, he must've called you because I wanted to hangout with someone but all of them have something to do so no one really can go, but, I didn't expect to see one person here" Joshua just gave a gentle smile

Jeonghan was staring at joshua who is smiling gently to him now, but, he felt like that smile doesn't even have a single feeling with it

"Can we talk Joshua?" Jeonghan asked

"Let's do the talking for later, do you want to hang out?"


Joshua then grabbed jeonghan's hand then they both ran to the mall close to the park.
Jeonghan doesn't know how to feel because he feels like everything came back from the start and here is his bestfriend running with him, he felt a little warm in his heart, but joshua suddenly intertwined his fingers in between of jeonghan's every finger then tighten his grip that made jeonghan look at their hands and suddenly felt his heart racing very fast, he doesn't know why but he felt a really good feeling when joshua did that, he felt safe, and the surprising part is that he felt really comfortable, because in the past, they never really liked holding hands, (or only jeonghan did but joshua really liked it but he didn't want to jeonghan to feel uncomfortable)

"Sooo? what do you find interesting?" Joshua asked

Jeonghan felt like he didn't want to remember  what happened to them this past few weeks, and just wanted to have fun, even if it's just for today, just one day is enough for jeonghan who missed his bestfriend that he adored very much ever since they first met, actually in their first meet, jeonghan couldn't hide the fact that he really adored the boys gentle smile, Good appearance, especially his good personality that made him thought 'so that's why I...'
Jeonghan snapped out of his thought when joshua shouted his name

"huh?" Jeonghan was like a little kid who is lost XD

Joshua noticed that jeonghan didn't heard anything that he said so he decides on teasing him

"Is my face really that handsome?" Joshua asked with a smiling face

"Yeah...really handsome" jeonghan doesn't know what he just said, but joshua suddenly froze when he heard the elders answer, his like a statue now

Later on Jeonghan realized what he just said and wanted to leave that awkward atmosphere

"u-uhh...come on, let's go bowling, the last one to get there will pay" Jeonghan quickly ran towards the entrance of the bowling area to avoid joshua's stare


"Finally done!!!" Hoshi shouted

"Yah! Hyung, stop shouting, your hurting my ear"  Jihoon who was irritated because Hoshi was late and missed half of the meeting so he have to tell everything again from the beginning 

"oops, Jihoonie~ I'm sorry~" Hoshi who was convincing jihoon to accept his apology

"Alright, Alright! Stop hugging me, do you want to get punched by seungcheol???"

After jihoon said seungcheol's name, the8 and Jun said "oooo~" then Wonwoo followed and kept on teasing jihoon

"Stop it!" Jihoon's face was a bit red because of them

"Your really lucky to be with the one you love...T^T" Hoshi said that made the others look at each other 

"Do you have someone special to you hyung?" Wonwoo asked

"Yeah...but his to busy to even see it, plus...his already in a relationship with someone much better than me and maybe that's why he choose him..." 

"Who is it hyung?" The8 asked


"...Don't worry about that, I'm sure you guys know him well..."

"A person that we know well?" Jihoon said

"Yeah..." The others started thinking who it could be while Hoshi thought of someone who also couldn't be with the one they loved, 'So this is how you felt...' 'I wonder if I can last as long as you did joshua hyung...'

~With Joshua and Jeonghan~

The both of them enjoyed themselves to the fullest, they first got to play bowling, next is play in the arcade, and after the arcade, they went to eat pizza then they shopped some clothes until it was time for the sunset and joshua already planned to watch the sunset with the others if they were here with them, but he thought that since jeonghan was the only one by his side, he thoughts that they go still go and watch

"Jeonghan do you want to see something beautiful?" Joshua asked jeonghan who is eating his ice cream

"hmm...sure!" Jeonghan gave joshua an excited look

They both walked to an unfamiliar way, that made jeonghan nervous for a bit, but, joshua held jeonghan's hand to reassure him that nothing bad will happen and to tell him to don't feel nervous cause he is safe with joshua. Jeonghan just nodded in response

Jeonghan and Joshua arrived at the front of a door and joshua told jeonghan to close his eyes because he wants to surprise jeonghan

They both walked pass the door while covering jeonghan's eyes

"Open your eyes in the count of three...1...2...3!"

Jeonghan was amazed on what was before his eyes...the sky was orange and yellow because it was sunset and the place has a swing for two with some lights on it and the whole place was decorated beautifully and the floor was grass and it was just an open area so there was a fresh air, he couldn't hide his smile in seeing the place and same as joshua who couldn't hide his smile when he saw how happy jeonghan was, because, at least, for the last time, he wants to make someone happy before he left for America 

"Woah...Did you set this all up?" Jeonghan who was running around and feeling the fresh air

"Yup. I was actually planning on bringing everyone here but since all of them were busy, you were the only one I could bring and it's a waste if I don't bring anyone to see it"

"It's really amazing! I didn't know this mall has this kind of place" 

"Actually, I knew about this place a few years ago, I was with a friend and I was finding where he was because we both lost each other and I ended up on finding this place and rented this part for tonight"

"Funny, I think I remember something like that too. Me and my friend lost each other because I came back to the restaurant where I left my phone and I told him that but I think he didn't heard because there were many people and that's when I lost him, there was a bunch of people that walked pass us and some of them bumped into me so I also lost track of him, and the worst part was my phone didn't have any charge so I couldn't call him,  but in the end, we both saw each other outside, at the fountain at the front of the mall *chuckles*

"Wait, your that friend that I was talking about. Because that was exactly what happened to my story" OmO

They both laughed so hard like there was no tomorrow, well yes, they can't anymore tomorrow so they both want to spend this night together

"I can't believe that we literally lost each other in this mall XD"


After a while of laughing they both sighed and started swinging themselves and feeling the air towards them

'I wish I could spend time like this with you every day'



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