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~8:30 pm~

Joshua and Jeonghan are now laying at the green grass, looking at the starts while listening to some music, jeonghan was really enjoying today, he saw a shooting star and wished that today will never end, while he didn't notice joshua who was looking at him, joshua was full of joy just to see jeonghan smiling like that and the only thing that was worrying joshua is that, how can he tell jeonghan about him leaving tomorrow, joshua was troubling and didn't know the right time to say it, if he told jeonghan now, it might ruin his mood and his smiling face might change into a sad expression which he didn't like to see, he doesn't want anyone having a sad expression, so he decides to tell him later when there was a good timing. 

Joshua's thought got disturbed when he heard jeonghan said something

"It's really beautiful shua-ya..." 

"Yeah it really is beautiful" Jeonghan didn't know that joshua was looking at him when he said those words because he was to amazed by the view that was above them

Jeonghan moved to the swing because he was feeling chilly

"hah...it's really cold here, I'm getting chilly" Jeonghan whispered to himself but didn't knew that joshua would hear it 

Joshua moved beside jeonghan and removed his jacket then placed it on jeonghan's shoulders which made jeonghan flinch and look at him

"Take it, or else you'll get a cold" Joshua said

"What about you? Won't you get a cold?

"Don't worry, I'll be fine...I at least want to do something for you...for the last time" joshua whispered the last part for jeonghan to not hear but he did heard which made joenghan also confused

" 'For the last time' ?" 

Joshua looked at joenghan with a surprised look, he didn't knew that he would hear what he said while jeonghan already noticed that theirs something going on

"Huh? Wh-What do you mean?" Joshua asked

"Your hiding something, right?" jeonghan looked straight into joshua's eyes

Joshua thought that he couldn't hide anything anymore since jeonghan already caught him

"Joshua...I have something to ask" Jeonghan said

"What is it?..." Joshua didn't want to look at jeonghan

"Why did your feelings change quickly?" Joshua was confused about what jeonghan said

"What those that mean?" 

"I mean, you said you liked me last week ago then yesterday night I saw you with another guy and you were flirting with each other, and are you just trying to play with my feelings by saying that you liked me?!? And that time on the hospital, you said that I was just your close friend. What really am I to you???" Jeonghan doesn't know that he was already shouting because of how many questions he got to get an answer and to fix the mess in his head

"I-I said that I l-liked you?" Joshua was shocked because of how jeonghan was reacting right now

"Yes you did! Are you really playing with me? How can you say it like you don't know that you did!?"

"I don't really know that I did...You've got to be mistaken, jeonghan"

"How can I be mistaken when you literally said it with your own mouth!?"

"I think that was only a dare" joshua said

"A-a dare???"

"uh...Yeah, cause if your saying that I said it then you were the one I told that 'I like you' because I lost in a game and they dared me to say 'I like you' to you...But I don't really remember the details right now but, yeah, I think that was it"

Jeonghan was speechless on what he heard just now, there was a part of him that can't accept that, that confession was just a dare, he knew those words were from joshua's heart

"Now...Can I ask you a question, jeonghan?"

Jeonghan just nodded in response

"uhh...I know this might sound weird from the start but...Will you miss me if I were to leave?"
Joshua asked

"Of course I will" jeonghan answered firmly without hesitation but he wasn't looking at joshua and didn't know that joshua was already tearing up because of happiness that he would miss him

"Why do you ask?" Jeonghan finally looked at joshua who was looking at the stars with a tear falling from his eyes that made jeonghan shocked

"Why are you crying shua??!" Jeonghan asked panicking

"I'm just happy to be with you tonight..." joshua gave jeonghan a forced smile that jeonghan noticed

"Stop smiling like that, I know that's a fake smile, so stop it. I only like your gentle smile"

Joshua's tears started falling even more just thinking how jeonghan knows him too well

"What's happening tell me...joshua" jeonghan is now super worried because of how joshua is acting

"I-i I'm sorry, jeonghan..."

"Why are you apologizing???"

"I-I...I'll be leaving tomorrow..." Jeonghan froze but he didn't fully understand what he meant

"W-Where are you going?" jeonghan's voice in shaking because of nervousness

"I-I'm going b-back to America..." Jeonghan's tears started falling, he thought that today was only the most precious day but he didn't knew that there would be a surprise for him...

"So that's why you wanted to hang out...because you want to say farewell to everyone"

"I'm so-sorry...I didn't have a choice, I promise, I'm telling the truth, I didn't want to leave you guys too" joshua is now facing his friend (aka bestfriend) who is looking down at the floor

"Since when did you plan this?"

"My mom just told me this morning..." 

"hah...can you tell me why you didn't have a choice? You could've told her that...but, you didn't. You could've stayed here if you told her that!!!" Jeonghan was really angry because he thought that joshua will be back to how he was before, he wanted to try to bring back the old joshua that he knew, but how can he do that if joshua's leaving?


"Please...*sobbing* you can't leave us, me...you can't leave me shua...please" jeonghan was kneeling at the ground begging joshua not to leave while joshua feels like his heart was breaking while looking at jeonghan kneeling

"Stand up, jeonghan..." he helped jeonghan stand up and sated him in the other swing, and to jeonghan's surprise, joshua kneeled in front of him

"What are you-"

"I know, I will hurt you and the others becuase of my leaving, but, I can't choose you over my family...my family needs me jeonghan, I know this sounds selfish and it sounds like I don't want to pick you guys, but  right now, I can't really pick you right now, and I can't pick the choice that I really wanted..." Joshua was sobbing while kneeling in front of jeonghan, while jeonghan was just focused on joshua while some tears fall from his eyes

"What was the choice that you wanted...?" Joshua looked up to jeonghan who was crying and he didn't really like the sight if him crying so he kissed jeonghan's forehead 

"To be here with you...all

"Then just stay here with me..."

Joshua's tears started pouring again, he can't make a choice, he didn't want to leave them but he can't also leave his parents alone because he promised them to take care of them when he grew old. Joshua's head is now messed up

"I-I can't...


Joshua couldn't take it anymore and talked to jeonghan face to face even though he might get hurt upon seeing jeonghan crying

He held Jeonghan's hands

"I'm sorry...please be happy with him..." Joshua whispered the last part but enough for jeonghan to hear then he left jeonghan crying by himself, jeonghan was in a mess, he doesn't know what to feel if he lost him

'I thought that I could fix everything today...'

'I- I  could've been with you...but why...why are you leaving now...'


~Will Joshua be able to leave them?~~Or will joshua stay with his friends?~

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~Will Joshua be able to leave them?~
~Or will joshua stay with his friends?~

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