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~The next day~

Everyone woke up gloomily but they changed as fast as they can when they heard that Joshua was already leaving and is already outside waiting for his taxi to arrive. They all started running down stairs, thinking that if this is their last encounter, then better let this be the most memorable moment for Joshua, for him to not forget about their times together and most importantly, their friendship that they all built through this years of being together


Joshua woke up with a blank expression and mind, he can't believe that today was the day that he would leave, he really wished to not see the guys before he leave, because he thinks that he couldn't bare to see them crying, he wanted to just leave without having to see them crying and breaking down. He wanted to avoid them as much as possible, for him to not make him regret making his decision.

A tear fell on Joshua's cheek and wiped it immediately and started to prepare himself for his flight back to LA, he didn't think much about the guys and just continued to focus on preparing his stuff, but while fixing his stuff, he saw a notebook fell from his side table

He remembered that it was the notebook where he used to write lyrics and...where he wrote his true feelings, his true love for his bestfriend who couldn't at least give a damn about it

He once again opened it and read the lyrics again and some lyrics really hit Joshua, as if he still feels the pain he once experience, the lyrics will really get to you if you understand it properly.

Then came the last page where is still a blank paper, he suddenly remembered the crying Jeonghan last night, then he suddenly felt like that the last page should also be filled up, so he picked up a pen and wrote something on the last page, a letter which is meant for only one person...


Jeonghan doesn't know what to do, his panicking right now because he didn't remember that today was the day that Joshua will leave Korea. He was running as fast as he could to be able to get to Joshua as quick as possible, and when a few minutes of running he saw a figure of a guy standing at the street with a suitcase and some bags on the ground, that's when he knew that it can only be one person, it's Joshua!

"Joshua!!!!" Seungcheol shouted on top of his lungs and enough to let Joshua hear it

Joshua turned around and saw all his friends, he nearly wanted to cry when they saw all of them, especially Jeonghan who was already crying

"G-guys...W-what brings you guys h-here?" Joshua couldn't stop himself from stuttering


Jihoon, Minghao, Seungkwan, and Mingyu immediately hugged Joshua while sobbing, Joshua tried so hard to stop his tears from flowing out while hugging his friends, he had to admit it, if it weren't for this guys, he would be all alone and he'd had no friends

"Hyung, please don't leave us...*sobbing*" Jihoon pleaded

"Shh...I know you'll all be fine without me, so don't waste you're tears on me, I'm glad I get to still see you before I leave..."  Joshua gave them a soft smile which they will really miss

Seungcheol got to hug Joshua next 

"Take care of the guys, especially my best friend, alright?" Joshua whispered while they hugged which made seungcheol tear up and answered back

"I-I will..." Seungcheol hugged Joshua more tightly while sobbing

"I'm sure you can, it's because I trust you, seungcheol" Joshua parted the hug and smiled at seungcheol, then they hugged Joshua but Joshua noticed one person on the corner which was tearing up while looking at me, he had the most saddest eyes among all the guys

They all moved aside when they saw what was Joshua was looking at and they gave way for Jeonghan. Jeonghan looked down because he couldn't bare to look at his bestfriends face right now, but he peeked at Joshua and saw that Joshua was directing him to hug him too which made Jeonghan cry even more, he ran to Joshua's arms then hugged the younger tightly, he sobbed at Joshua's shoulder and Joshua didn't mind even if the elder soaked his shirt, he got to admit, he wanted to cry when he saw jeonghan's teary eyes, leaving his friends and not seeing them like every day made his heart ache, they've gone through many things together. Many fun, sad, funny, and embarrassing moments that made their friendship grow, Joshua couldn't help but thought about this memories while seeing the others cry on the side but most of all, the guy who is crying on his shoulder, made him almost regret his decision.

Jeonghan suddenly whispered to the youngers ears

"Please...Don't leave shua..." 

Joshua couldn't hold his tears anymore and started gripping on Jeonghan's shirt while tears slowly flow out his eyes

"I-I can't, Jeonghan..."

Jeonghan pulled out from the hug and faced joshua and placed his hands on the youngers shoulders and Joshua could really feel Jeonghan shaking

"Please, promise me that you won't leave, please...*sobbing*" This time Jeonghan's words were heard by the other guys


"Promise me....please" Jeonghan broke down sobbing but Joshua caught him in his arms to not make Jeonghan fall down on the dirty floor

"I know that you want me to stay but, I just can't pick you guys right now, my parents need me and I need them too, so please, understand..." Joshua explained while tearing up and looking at Jeonghan

"B-but...We swore to never leave each other, you swore to me Joshua..."

"I-I I'm sorry b-but I think I'll have to break that promise" 

Joshua quickly pulled Jeonghan into a hug and whispered on his ear

"I'll always love you, Jeonghan..."

Just then, Joshua quickly entered that taxi behind him and leaving Jeonghan crying and still begging him to stay, he didn't care about the stares that his getting from the people around them, all he cared about is the guy who is now leaving him.

"I Love you...too" 

The others didn't hear it but the only one who heard it was Mingyu, and even though Mingyu was also sad about Joshua leaving, he still can't stop himself from being shock on what he just heard from his hyung. That made him thought that, Joshua hyung might've got it all wrong, The one Jeonghan hyun loves wasn't seungcheol hyung...it was Joshua hyung whom he loved which Joshua didn't also see...

Mingyu sighed at his thoughts

'Are they playing hide and seek...? They're good at hiding their feelings but didn't know how to seek the true feelings of the other each other...'



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