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I woke up in my bed early in the morning, I looked left and right to see if my room mates are already awake but Soonyoung and Mingyu ang still fast asleep so I looked at my phone to see what time it is, it was only 5:06 in the morning so I decided to scan my Instagram since it's still early

I kept on scrolling down but I caught someone in my eyes...it was Seungcheol and...*sigh*

I didn't want to remember who was with Seungcheol cause every time I see them I feel something heavy inside me, and before I knew it, I was already at the Bathroom vomiting 

I can't believe that I choose to get hurt just to feel love, but I'm glad to have felt love for him because his a really special one...

While Joshua is lost in his thought, he didn't notice that hoshi was already banging the door but joshua snapped from his thought because hoshi is already shouting so he hurriedly picked up all the petals that fell to the floor 

"What took you so long?" Hoshi asked angrily because he really wants to go to the bathroom badly

"u-uhm...I...I just pooped heheh..." joshua gave hoshi a small smile then immediately went to the room

Joshua felt really relived that he manage to make an excuse to get away. 

Joshua was surprised to see Mingyu not there so he thought about looking to his phone cause it kept on vibrating. After looking who was calling he got surprised to see  the name of the caller 

                                        'Jeonghannie <3'


After seeing the name he immediately picked up the call


'Ouch! Jeonghan don't scream to loud'

'heheh sowwy'

'So why did you called?'

'Wanna hang out?' 

Joshua suddenly thought that this feels like it already happened, he tried to recall about that time and remembered that his bestfriend is only like this if something good happened about...the two of them...

Joshua felt really down after remembering that but still decided to go to accompany his bestfriend


'Great, I'll see you at our spot'

'around 3 pm?'

'Sounds good'

'alright see you there'


After the call joshua smashed his face against his bed full of hesitation and frustration about his answer to his bestfriend...He knows that he will only get hurt if he still continue being like this but he still don't want to give up his feelings for his bestfriend because if he does he might regret it. Joshua always saw many people happy with the one they love and the one they love, loved them too and joshua also wants to feel loved by the one he loves that's why he can't just give up on his bestfriend.

Joshua is still thinking about going or not if his going he knows he will only get hurt and if not, his bestfriend might notice somethings wrong with him. He kept on groaning in frustration and didn't notice that hoshi was already watching him from the door

"Are you alright?" 

Joshua got shocked upon hearing his room mate

"Gosh, you scared me" Joshua chuckled a little

"Are you alright?" 

"Of course I'm alright, why?" Hoshi's facial expression is saying that he isn't convince that his alright, Hoshi looked around outside the room to see if anyone was there and after confirming that no ones outside he locked the door and looked at joshua before sitting beside him

"Joshua..." Why am getting nervous all of a sudden?

"You...your not alright, right?"

W-what do you mean?"

Your in pain right nowJoshua's eyes widen at the suddenly words of his friend

The became silent after a few seconds hoshi's eyes became teary, Joshua was smiling at him but he knows that his hurting deep down

Hoshi hugged his friend while sobbing

"Why didn't you told me? us? Don't you trust us?" 

"That's not it...It's just that..." Joshua couldn't say another word and just gave his friend a small smile

"How did you know about me being not alright?"

"I saw the petals in the bathroom with some blood on it...and I heard you puking"

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