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Joshua's POV

I'm at home right now and I'm already missing my baby.

It has only been 2 hours since he left my side and I'm already missing him. Tsk, look what you did to me Yoon Jeonghan! Now I'm head over heels for you and completely whipped for you.

"Yah! What are you whining about?" Someone stated that made me jolt up from the bed

That's when I realized that I'm still in Jeonghan's room and in his house with him still beside me.

Was I dreaming just now? I was clearly sure that he already left.

"Jeonghan-ah?" I asked cluelessly. I feel like a kid who is always spacing out and isn't aware of my surroundings

"What is it?" Jeonghan asked

"Didn't you already left? What are you doing here?" I asked again

"What are you talking about? I was just down stairs eating Lunch" Jeonghan answered back, confused.

"Eh? So you still haven't gone to the airport?" I asked as I made my way towards him

"What's with you? I only left for like 30 minutes and your already like that? What will happen to you then if I left for a few days?" Jeonghan looked at the latter while frowning

"I don't think I'll be able to endure 3 days without you..." Joshua said as he back hug the older which made Jeonghan chuckle at the latter's cuteness

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Plus, work will distract you and you wouldn't even remember that you miss me" Jeonghan chuckled as he cupped the latter's cheeks and planted a kiss on his lips

Joshua smiled gently at the olders actions and quickly pecked at Jeonghan's lips too before hugging the older again

"Stoooop!!! You'll make me unable to leave you if your like this" Jeonghan complained then pouted

"Then don't leave" Joshua beamed in happiness as he thought of this

"No can do shua. I have to go. Please wait patiently alright?" Jeonghan said as he picked up his luggage 

"Andwae!!!" Joshua complained

"Tsk, fine, if you behave until I get back, I'll let you *whisper* *whisper* 

"Deal!" Joshua exclaimed in happiness upon hearing what Jeonghan said


I have reached my house and saw my whole family sitting in the living room while scrolling on their phones until they notice me enter and signaled me to come over to them

"Welcome back dear. How's the party yesterday?" My mom asked.

I forgot to mention that I told them that I went to a party with some friends and had a sleep over there. 

"It was...great" I said as I kissed her cheeks and sat down beside my sister

"Party my ass" Jieun sarcastically said

"Shut up..." I responded to her comment

"What are you whispering for?" My dad asked and turned his attention to us

"N-Nothing! Oppa just told me that he saw a handsome man yesterday" Jieun said with nervousness

"A handsome man? Jisoo-yah, are you planning on finding another person now? I thought that you only want your first love" My mom asked/said

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