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Jeonghan and Joshua have already started dating for a year now and apparently, they haven't told Joshua's family yet, well, except for his younger sister of course. 

Just like how they it happened before, things have been happening unexpectedly that made them unable to announce it properly to Joshua's parents. It really makes it difficult for the both of them because they also have to do a lot of stuff at work. 

Joshua told Jeonghan that he didn't want to tell his parents alone, he wanted them to say it together. Joshua knows that his parents respect his sexuality but he sometimes feel like something was off with his parents. 

Sometimes, his mom would make him look at some pictures of different boys that Joshua isn't familiar with. Then the next day, his dad also started bringing him into different meet ups with some of his friends and lefts me alone with his friends son. 

Joshua was starting to feel uncomfortable about what was happening and just decided to go meet up with his lover to at least get the time to spend with each other. They have both been busy this whole week and was unable to meet up because of all the projects and contract signing goin on.

Joshua was already walking towards Jeonghan's office when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist that made him flinch.

Joshua looked back and was expecting that it was his lover. But, it made him jump out of the hug with full disgust showing on his face when he saw  his stalker's face. Joshua thought that he wouldn't get bothered by this person again because it's already been a year or so since Joshua last saw him. Joshua thought that, that person already given up so he let his guard down. He didn't really expect to see him again after such a long time. He hated this person to death and really wanted to kill him when he had heard that this person once tried to do something to Jeonghan which made Joshua really furious. Anything that belonged to Joshua is a treasure, and he will do anything just to protect it.

"What the heck? What are you doing here? And how dare you touch me" Joshua exclaimed in anger

"Aww, c'mon baby~ I know you like it" The guy said as instantly wrapped his hands around Joshua's arm that made Joshua almost curse out loud

Joshua tried removing the guys hand from his arm but his grip was unbearably strong. Joshua tried to find some security guards but unfortunately failed. How come that this place doesn't have a security around here? Joshua thought

"Stop trying to escape. You know that I'm much better than that slut you call a boyfriend" The guy said that made Joshua fume in anger. 

Joshua was about to punch the guy beside him until a voice was heard from behind

"Who are you calling a slut?" Jeonghan asked with his arms crossed and irritation can be seen in his face

"Who else? The one and only Yoon Jeonghan of course" The guy said, still has linked arms with Joshua

"*chuckles* You don't have the right to call me by my name. And FYI bitch, your the slut here" Jeonghan fired back and  immediately pulled Joshua's other arm that made the guy stumble 

"Oh, and btw, his already mine so back off before I make you" Jeonghan threatened the guy but didn't budge from his spot and just raised an eyebrow

"And what will you do? Tell your daddy? Oh wait, I forgot, his already dead" The guy said which made Jeonghan grip tightly on his boyfriends hand

Jeonghan was about to speak up when Joshua interrupted him

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