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Chan's POV

As of now, me and cheollie hyung are driving side by side while Jeonghan hyung already went ahead of us since he said that he doesn't want to become the third wheel lol.

"Hyung, I told you, I'll be alright" I said again for the 10th time already because seungcheol hyung kept on telling me to just sit in the same motor as him. Like, who would want to share if you can have your own right?

"But-" Seungcheol hyung was about to protest again but I immediately cutted him off

"Hyung!!!" I shouted as I see Jeonghan hyung crying on the side of the road. I quickly drove to him with a fast pace which seungcheol hyung did as well when he saw where I was looking at

"Hyung! What happened?! Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Did-" I was cutted off when jeonghan hyung spoke before I could even ask another question

"I-I'm hurt chan...I'm deeply hurt" Jeonghan hyung said before crying again on my shoulder which made me panic

"What?! Where?! Let's bring you to the hospital!!! Seung-" I was cutted out when Jeonghan hyung suddenly covered my mouth which made me look at him in confusion

"I'm not wounded anywhere chan...." Jeonghan hyung trailed off

"Then...why are you hurt?" I asked innocently 

Jeonghan hyung looked at me with this sad eyes and pointed at something. When I saw what he was pointing at, I was confused again. 

"Two lovers? What's with them?" I asked, still confused

"T-That guy...." Jeonghan hyung trailed off again

"What's with that guy?" I asked but didn't get an answer until seungcheol hyung gasped which made me look at him

"What?" I asked

I saw how seungcheol hyung's eyes widen, feels like he was shocked by something?

"What???" I asked, getting impatient

"C-Channie...T-That guy...it's jisoo" Seungcheol said in shock 

"Jisoo? *gasped* Jeonghan hyung's first love?" I asked in shock

"B-But...I thought that he said in the letter that he'll come back for you...w-what happened?" I asked Jeonghan hyung who was still crying

"I don't know....I thought that he'll come back for me too...but looks like he came back for another person. *chuckles* It's funny how he broke another promise without a second thought" Jeonghan hyung said with his tears streaming down from his eyes

"I'm sorry hyung..." I said before hugging him tightly

"Don't be Chan...It's not like it's your fault anyway..." Jeonghan said

"It's my fault..." Jeonghan said which left me and seungcheol hyung confused

"Han-ah, How can this be your fault? You didn't do anything" Seungcheol said

"If it weren't for me...he wouldn't have been through such hardships and....He wouldn't have left and...tried to find another person..." Jeonghan said which made my heart shatter into pieces

"Jeonghan...This isn't you fault. We've already talked about this" Seungcheol said

"I know, but I just can't help to think that it's really my fault..." Jeonghan trailed off

"But...I'm glad he found someone who can make him smile again...Someone who can make him forget all those bad things that happened when he was still by my side..." Jeonghan said

Loving a friend that you close with is amazing and all but...what happens if this ruins your friendship? They're like playing a game of tag. But, unlike the past, Jeonghan hyung is the chaser while Jisoo hyung is the one being chased this time. 

Hayy....this people doesn't know that....

Waiting is painful...Forgetting is painful...But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering.

Hurting someone is as easy as throwing a stone in the ocean...but you will never know how deep that stone will go...

"You know that Jisoo also had happy memories with you Jeonghan. So stop telling yourself that it's all your fault. If your going to ask me, jisoo is at fault. Jisoo is a really good friend of mine but his really at wrong right now. He promised you that he'll be back for you right? Then what happened? Where is he now? In someone else's arms? Pathetic" Seungcheol said and he looks really pissed

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