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"Are you sure your really alright dear?" 

"I'm good mom..." Joshua responded back

Right now, their about to depart, just waiting for the other people to arrive

Joshua glanced at the window beside him, he was already missing Korea, his friends, and Jeonghan...

Unknowingly, a tear fell on his cheek, but he just let all his tears fall, he doesn't want to cry when they got to LA, he wanted to cry now because the sky was also still crying, he didn't want to cry alone, and most of all, he missed his bestfriend who usually would cry with him at time like this. 
Meeting with Jeonghan that day was really the best thing that ever happened in his life, having a bestfriend like him was the most perfect gift that day, because the day that they met, was the day of Joshua's birth and he got to admit, it was the best birthday he ever had because that's when he had the most loving friend that anyone could ask for. He was irreplaceable, unforgettable, and most of all...his the love of Joshua's life...

Without Joshua knowing, her mother was already looking at him with sad eyes, and a worried face

"I know you don't want to leave them dear, but we have no choice..." Joshua's mom said while caressing Joshua's hair to make him look at her

"I know mom...I just...miss them already...they're my brothers which I mostly lived with ever since we came here, I know that I hurted them...I hurted him..." Joshua most likely  whispered the last part but  her mother heard it

"I'm sorry I had to pull you away from your love, but I just can't leave you here in Korea" Joshua was shocked when he heard his mother say 'your love'

"W-what a-are you t-talking about(?)..." Joshua looked at his mother with a widen eyes

"I already know Joshua, I know that your gay and that your in love with your bestfriend, Yoon Jeonghan. It was really obvious you know" His mother gave him a gentle smile before caressing his hair again which made Joshua speechless, how come his mother knew when the person he liked never even noticed...

"I see..." Joshua couldn't say anything more because of shock

"I promise that I'll allow you to come back here in Korea again after you finish your studies and find a decent job" Her mother spoke

Joshua smile brightly at his mother's words which made him jump in joy and hug his mother. His mother was also happy to see his son smiling again, it almost made her cry because it's been so long since they last saw each other and when they saw each other again on the airport, she didn't get to see the smile that her son usually has on, it wasn't as bright as before, that's when he knew that some thing was up

"Thank you so much, mom!" Joshua squealed like a girl which made people look 

"Alright, Alright. Now quite down, your disturbing the other passengers" His mom just chuckled at him then smiled gently which Joshua did back at her too


Jeonghan woke up with red puffy eyes, he remembered that he cried himself to sleep. What mostly hurts was that no was with him on the other side of the bed...Usually every Sunday morning, he would see his bestfriend laying beside him, he would always draw on Joshua's face before he could wake up then Jeonghan would ambush a sleeping Joshua to wake him up but, today, he felt lonely...no one was beside him which made the bed look spacious...Jeonghan doesn't really like it when the bed in spacious every Sunday morning...it only made him miss the younger boy more and remembered that Sunday mornings was Joshua's favorite time and day. He looked at the window and saw the sun shinning outside, it was magnificent...but he actually wished that Joshua was here to also see it

Jeonghan sighed shakily while tears started flowing again...He still can't get Joshua out of his head, 'what if I have been there with you?' 'what if I just stayed by your side...would you still leave?' '

Once again, Jeonghan read the letter that Joshua left for him. In the letter, he can feel Joshua's pain, he could feel him here with him...

As the time goes by, Jeonghan just sat there, none from his friends dared to enter his room so Jeonghan was basically always alone, not just in his room, but in the whole dorm. Seungcheol was always sleeping on Wonwoo's dorm to give Jeonghan some peace and alone time for himself

Jeonghan smelled himself and he got to admit, he stinks so he decided on taking a shower since he really needs a cool head

!!!*Time skip: After 20 minutes*!!!

Jeonghan stepped out of the bathroom with dripping hair and only a towel on

He searched for a comfortable sweater and some sweat pants but he saw something he didn't expect to be in his closet...

It was Joshua's favorite sweater...

He looked at it for a while before putting it on. He threw himself on the bed and hugged himself, he could smell Joshua's scent in the sweater. He wanted to hug him right now because he really misses him but he can't do anything about it...he can only hug his sweater which was enough for him...for now.

He wanted to scream, shout and get mad at someone right now because of missing Joshua, he felt frustrated and stressed at the same time but he can't do those stuff because he might wake the neighbors up, it was only 4 am in the morning so he just shuts his mouth and rolled over and over until he felt something on the side of leg. He stood us and found a piece of paper in the pocket of Joshua's sweat pants. He started reading it and came to the conclusion that it was another song...

"Sacrifice" II JIHAN IIWhere stories live. Discover now