Chapter 1

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Chapter 1,The Show Begins part 1

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0.13 am

*In the background*

'Oh my that was amazing!'

'She was probably the good one out here!'




Mens desires for a women

That disgust me

Everything disgust me here

Everyday being here

Every hour of the night

Every bitch that's here


But who am I to say something

I'm not a dancer meself, just a maid that's currently putting the trash outside.I was about to go back into the building when I saw a black cat with red eyes.Probably looking for food in the trash, sorry cat in that bag is glass shards,condoms,ripped clothes ect.





I began to run to the maids room. looking for a bag that I hid.I'm gonna do it.

I hung the bag around my schoulder.Making my way to the kitchen.Akari, the chef saw me.

Akari:'Oh,hello (y/n)' she said in a tired voice.

'Hello Akari,tired?

She chuckeld

Akari:'No, the steam of the food and the screams of the costumers keeps me awake'.

'hehe everyone'

We both laughed. I secretly put the bag into a empty cabinet.

'Is there anything I can do? I asked.

Akari:'No, not for now but around 4 am.Go sleep for now'.



I went to the room were the maids slept.

Part 1 is in progress

I planned this for a long time

tomorrow it will happen


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