Chapter 23

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Chapter 23, Beauty and the Beast part 1


We rested a bit and went to work on Itsuki's Blood Demon Art.Itsuki can shape shift in animals even mystical animals.Its beautiful to see wht he can transform into but I think because of me blood in every form he shift he has a leaf tattoo on his forhead like I have on my body.even in his human form hr hsd s leaf tattoo.I decide to wait a couple of days to test out if Itsuki can go into the sun.When it became night time Tamayo went away saying that she a patient to treat.She also asks if she could get some blood of my if she every needed for something.I said that it was okay and give her 5 of them,I said that she can contact me whenever she wants.She went away and left me and Itsuki on or own.


Author's POV

7 years has passed as the duo lived together,protecting each other from demon slayers and of course loving each other dearely.Itsuki is now 15 years old but look 17 because of the training he gets.Together they always walk with fashion and sass through the streets of Japan.Over the years Itsuki's power increased,he is able to mix things ect (will appear later) and of course his love for Y/n.

Over the years Itsuki's power increased,he is able to mix things ect (will appear later) and of course his love for Y/n

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Itsuki now (credits to the owner)

Y/n's POV

'It has been 7 years but it still feels like this is the first time walking in the sun for me'.Itsuki said as he walked behind me.

'I know,it weird right?'.I said.

'Hello there,here'.She gave me and itsuki a mochi,he looked at me

'Thank you,take it'.I signalled to him,he took it as I took mine.

'Thank you miss,we will eat with pleasure'.Itsuki said bowing.

'Take care both of you'.She said as we bowed and she walked away.

We begin to walk and Itsuki took the wrapper of the mochi.

'Are you going to eat it?'.I ask.

'Of course!The lady came it to so I have to eat it,demon or not'.He said as he took a bite of it but mochi was mochi so he had to pull hard for the bite,I watched as he eat and put on a disgusting look on his face,i shook my head.

'You are very noble,Itsuki'.I said as I rubbed his back and took a bite too

'You see that I have a disgusting face on so talk normal to me'.Itsuki said with the disgusting face on.

'..........You are very respectfull and have a heart of gold'.I said.

'Thank you!'.He said.

'You never changed'.I said.

'True it has been 7 years from when I met you'.Itsuki said.

'Hey look this would look nice on you'.I said as I saw a yukata that was pink

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