Chapter 36

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Chapter 36,Hands off!

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Y/n's POV

'Uhhhhhhh..................................'. I said as I woke up,it was dim and lit up with candles in rooms



The Infinity Castle




I looked behind me and saw the uppermoons kneeled.

My eyes widen at the realisation

'Well hello Spider Lily~'. A deep,demonish voice said, I looked up but I was kicked in my face sending me flying several feet away. I spit out the blood that came in my mouth. The uppermoons stayed in their kneeling position as Muzan was in front of me in 1 second, I smirked.

'Who would have though his majesty would give me the honour of getting hit by his royal feet?'. I said mocking.

'Who gave you permission to speak?'. He asked.

'Its not that I listen to you Muzan~'. I said.

'Did she just say master's name?'. Someone said.

'You got it'. I said, I faced Muzan

' angry,why would that be?'. I said,he scoffed.

'Quite indeed, I am angry since those weak so called demon slayers are planning to kill me...' he said.

'Don't say THAT muzan,doesn't have a particular demon slayer have a special pair of earrings?'. I said,he glared at me.

'Everyone,keep a eye out for her,she is tricky and will play with your mind....truly a shame that you aren't loyal to me Y/n,shammeeee....take her away'. Muzan said.

'Yes master'. The uppermoons said

Muzan flicked away.

The uppermoons rised up and Akaza went to me,he squated down.

'Hello Y/n-sama'. He said.
'Hello Akaza,how are you?'. I said.
'I am.......great'. He said.
'You two are really having a conversation?'. Kokushibo asked.
'Ara,well we should always have a great time with her if you know what I mean ko-ku-shi-bo~'. Douma said,Akaza got 85 urk marks as she turned to Douma. He pointed to Douma.
'YOU!!!!'. Akaza said as he charged at Douma,luckily Douma dodged every attack Akaza said.

Me and Kokushibo shook our heads as we saw how uppermoon 2 and 3 were fighting. Kokushibo grabbed my hair and begin to drag me away, Akaza didn't saw but Douma saw it.

'Ahhh~ Kokushibo have fun~ Ara ara'. Douma said,getting Akaza's attention.

'What did you say!'. He said.
'Nothing,nothing oh~ you are slowwwwwwww Akaza-kun~'. Douma said.
'You bastard!!!!'. Akaza said and chased Douma.





Both me and Kokushibo were in a part of the Castle,I think his part but that doesn't matter

He let go of my hair and walked a bit away from me

'Don't try to do something stupid'. He said,coldly.

I didn't answer but closed my eyes.






'M-m-miss Y-Y/n,were are you?!'
'Calm down Itsu-'
'I tried to contact you but you never replied,you have been missing for 2 days!'
'Alr-wait 2 DAYS?!?!!'
'That mean that 1 day is left till hell breaks loose...okay Itsuki-'
'.......Don't search for me,I am in the Infinity Castle. You have to go and help the demon slayers!'
'No buts,just do as I say,you will be a great he-ahhhh!'
'Miss Y/n!'


I grabbed out of reflex the ha d that grab my hair. I glared at Kokushibo whi was the one who grabbed my hair.

'What were you doing?'. He asked.
'Nothing!'. I said.


The mindlink was cut off

Itsuki,who was standing on a pointy rooftop and  heard his beloved scream he gritted his teeth.


He didn't say anything and just fisted his hands hard that blood came out from his nails that dig in his palm.

'Don't worry miss Y/n, I am coming and rip the guts out of the demon and tear him to limps before cutting his head off,who hurt miss Y/n.......'. He said.

And laughed as a maniac and covered his face with his hand as he said the following words.

'I will hunt you down,you can't hide from a demonic beast when it sets its prey' he said.

He jumped away and made his way to the place were the last battle will take place in a couple of hours. Killing on his mind.

'Blood Demon Art : Therianthrope Walker :Minokawa'

' I am sorry miss Y/n but stay calm I am coming'. He said to himself in his head,his red eyes glowing in the night.


I think I forgot to say this but Itsuki has red eyes,go to chapter 30 or search up what a minokawa is

Have a nice day/afternoon/night

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