Chapter 22

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Chapter 22,Life or dead? part 2





*(Y/n)'s POV*

I ran towards the scream,feeling it was Itsuki and I was right...

There he was.....

Eating a woman......

Policemen dead around him..........

Fire too............

Itsuki was a demon who was 4 meter tall,horns on his forhead,big red eyes,nails sharp as blade long as a arm,all fours.His head was long in the lenght so he had a large nose,eyes,mouth and ears......

Making him the ultimule distructor for a city......

What a mess........

I looked around and saw more policemen coming and people running away.I let mist out of every part of my body but I also saw flowers?

(F/c) mist and all sorts of flowers came in the view of others.

I ran towards Itsuki and summoned my whip and tried to get it around his neck,I jumped in the air


I look to the direction were the scream came and saw a lady in a kimono,a demon...

I turned mid air to land near her,she ran towards me

'The boy is still in there!We need to get him out of it!'

'Got it'

'Let's try to get it under control!! We need a place big enough for him to put him to sleep!'

'My name is L/n Y/n,yours!'.I said

'Tamayo!!'.She said

'Your demon art is something with flowers,what is the name?'

'I able to-'.She was caugth of by a ruin of a building.

'To caust spells from my blood,you can call it Supernatural blood,whats yours?'.Tamayo asks

'Somnambulistic puppeteer,I am able to releach mist with different kinds of functions!'.I answered

'We sort of have the same demon art'.

'You can say that,Tamayo lets go for it then!'


We both ran towards Itsuki.I will attack in the air while Tamayo will attack on the ground.Tamayo scrathed her arm,blood tricking out of it.

I opened my kimono a little more so more mist came out.

The plan was that Tamayo will distract Itsuki while I will go around his neck multimuletime so my whip will get around his neck,my whip can get as long I want so hopefully it will work.

When its around his neck In will make a controlling mist so we can take him to the brothel and the rest happens there.

Tamayo run different ways while Itsuki tried to slam her flat.

'Somnambulistic Puppeteer: Drowsy Dream'.I said when I got
close to his nose and summond my whip to go around his neck.....

Both tamayo and I were knock of our feeting when a sudden gust of wind came,we couldn't land propely so we laid on the ground,our hair dishelft and looking at Itsuki.The windgust was repleaced with heat.

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