Chapter 6

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Chapter 6,Reflexion

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'I accept your offer'


(f/c) = favorite colour

(e/c) = eye colour


*Author's POV*

Muzan smirked in victory

'Glad you accept my offer, now if I may'. He looks at (y/n) and walked towards her.

Soon the whole brothel was filled with (y/n) screams and groans.

After that (y/n) looked at her hands and saw long (f/c) nails.

She gazed at Muzan and saw him smirking at her

'Now your a demon I give you a Blood Demon Art you can use like a herbalist.Since you did all of this perfectly with precision I will keep you close to me and the upper moons,you will be our brige and keep us updated.Got it?'He said.

'Yes' I said.

'Good,find a couple of brothels and use your Blood Demon Art to own the places like a madam so upper moons can have shelter and rest there'.He said


'Hm, you will be very entertaining I say that already'.He said


'Good luck my spider lily,I will be watching you'. He said and disappeard.


A broken mirror

I walked towards it and saw my reflection

I looked the same how I was except I have now long nails and my normal (f/c) have turned into (f/c) slit eyes.



Anyways Blood Demon Art huh?

Hehe I'm gonna have ALOT of fun now

*Author's POV*

(y/n) made sure to block all the windows and door so no sunlight would enter.With that (y/n) tried out her new demon powers for hours till she was satisfied.


Blood Demon Art : Somnambulistic puppeteer

⁓ You can let mist out of your body. You can use the mist have for different meanings such as ↧

»Make people drowsy/sleepy/sleep

»Make illusions

»make poison

»control creatures


The mist comes out your body even if its coverd by your loose sleeves

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