Chapter 14

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Chapter 14,Revolution

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But the red eyed man didn't knew about the little mist cloud watching him,listening and returning to its owner


*(Y/n)'s POV*

What is Muzan-sama planning? Butterfly? Upppermoon 2?

I never actually met uppermo0n 2 in person


Does Muzan-sama know I can conquer the sun?

Luckily he didn't notice my little mist cloud

He said something about a butterfly but don't does girls have butterfly hairpins?

Oh no...........

Please don't let that happen

'Are you alright miss?'

I turned around and saw a girl 

'Oh I'm alright,thank you for asking'

'No problem miss but I don't know if you know but there is a stall that sells lampions.You should buy them before sunrise because we all be letting them free then'.

'Oh thank you for informing me and I will buy one'

'hm,see then maybe'

I just nodded

I went to the stall that sells lampions and bought one because why not?

I bought a lampion with sakura's on it and the words 'Happy'

I was happy but also nervous.....

Time-skip - night time

I saw people with lampions , ready to release them

soon  it was 12 am

People release their lampions,I did to

I smiled at the lampions

But for some reason it reminded me of a person 


Why do think of him?

It has been years since our encounter

I begin to walk away from the spot

The night was still young for demons but (Y/n) tired so she went to her brothel

*Kanao's POV*

I was happy


First I was sad because I was lost in the crowd and was looking around for my sisters but then I saw her. 

I saw the lady of that night.I wanted to say thank you but I couldn't so I ran towards her smiling.She saw me and her eyes widen.

She crouch down and smiled at me and gave me one of her bracelet

She remembers me!!

I accepted the gift but it was a little big for me

I heard my sister calling me but I didn't care,I saw eye to eye with the women who helped me

'Are you perhaps Kanoa?'

I nodded

'Well Kanoa is was nice to meet you but I think you need to go to your older sisters'.

But I don't want to leave you

'I loved love to spend time with you,I really do but you will worry your sisters'.

....I don't wanna let go of you

'Don't worry I feel we will meet again,So keep smiling Kanao'.(Y/n) said while pointing at her smile lines

Really?!?! I looked at her and smiled

My sisters were still searching for me

The lady waved at me and I waved back and she left

I stood there looking the bracelet I got

my sisters found me and begin to bicker

but I didn't really care I was still looking at the bracelet till nee-san said

'Ughh si-Wait Kanao were did you get that bracelt?'

I looked up and said nothing

'Huh oh Kanao?'

I still didn't say anything and placed my other hand over the bracelet

'Don't tell me you stole it'

NO!!!! I shake my head

'Did you get it form anyone?'

I nodded

And then they begin to talk about mochi 

But then one of my nee-san said something

'I think there is a demon nearby'



'What now,does the demon have a strong aura?'

'Yes,two demons actually'

'We should head home,there are other demon slayers nearby'

And we left

I still didn't know the lady's name and didn't thank her

I guess I have to wait for next time

As we head home we saw lanterns in the sky

'Ara ra how didn't I know about this,I would have bought us a lampion'

'It's already to late.Lets enjoy the view'

I looked in the sky and saw beautiful lampions

Next time I also want to release a lampion in the sky

'Y'know Kanoa,we make wishes when we choice to release a lampion,Do you have a wish?'Younger nee-san asked.



I do have a wish


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