Chapter 24

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EVERYBODY PLEASE READ!!!! I always read the comments you guys post and saw that you guys want more time with Yoriichi,thus me and a reader thought to do something with that.Do you guys want a Yoriichi x reader with this story?,please comment about it or sent me a private message about it.I have already a reaction about a Yoriichi ending.

But now I am thinking about making this story a Yoriichi x reader,thus deleting the chapters after 'the chase',help me out please!!!

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Alright my problem is fixed,I will make a Yoriichi x reader story apart from the book,yes a different book but the first few chapter will be the same from this story but it will continue different then this one.


Chapter 24,Beauty and the Beast part 2


Don't worry Miss Y/n,its finished'.I said and jumped up in the air.


*Itsuki's POV*

I jumped in the air as I stood on a roof,looking for miss Y/n.Weird I don't see her...........


Were there more demon slayer?

Muzan Kibutsuji was here?

What to do?!?!?!

What to do?!?!?!

What to do?!?!?!

What to do?!?!?!

What to do?!?!?!


I jumped around the village and spotted miss Y/n corned by demon slayers

'Give up demon bitch! you have now were to go,demo slayers are everywere in this village!'.A guy with white hair said to my Y/n.

'!!'.I bite the slayer that had the guts to attack me,I bite his head of.


Now all the attention was on me,good nobody touches my Y/n

'Attack him!'.The white-ahired guy screamed.

'Try it,I dare you'.I said as I jumped down,crushing two demon slayer with my feet.

'Itsuki'.I heard miss Y/n saying soft,I turned to her and smiled

'So a bastard is here too?'.The white haired guy said.

'You take the woman,I take the guy Sanemi'.A guy said and charged at me,bring it nobody touches miss Y/n

*Y/n's POV* When Itsuki left to go find a inn

Me and Itsuki parted ways to search a iin to stay.I begin to look around for one when I got a message from Itsuki.

'Miss Y/n I found one!'.Itsuki said.

Wow that was fast

'Good job Itsuki,I will be there in a minute' I answered back

Itsuki,you never fail to surprise me..........

I begin to run around looking for Itsuki when a I made eye contect with pale purples ones,both our eyes widen at the sight.He begin to run towards me.I didn't really wanted to fight so I ran away but he still chased me,ughhhhh

'Go around her! Don't let her escape its the mist demon!'.He said as multimule 'Hai' were heared.

I looked above me and saw demon slayers running on roofs,running towards me

'You won't escape little bitch! I will be the one who will slice your head of!'.He said.

'I don't think so'.I said as I jumped up.

'Blood Demon Art : Somnambulistic puppeteer :gallery of illusion'.I said and mist came out of my arms.

'Watch out!'.I heard him say behind me,that guy is still following me!?!?! Ughhh I hope Itsuki hasn't trouble

'What do you want!'.I asks.

'Your head!'.He answered.

'Fuck no!'.I said as I sped up.

'Hold it dumb bitch!'.He said,I turned around and saw him violently swinging his sword so the mist won't come anywere near him,creative.........

'Uh!',I fell down on the ground but quickly recovered from it.I looked down and saw that behind my knees were sword slices (A/n: that part behind your knee? above the shin and under your thighs,yeah that part,just to be clear)

'Nice Masachika'.The guys said.

'Thanks,let keep moving everyone!'.The guy named Masachika said as they continues to follow me.


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