Chapter 19

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I listen to Build our Machine,nightcore 1 hour,you can to if you like


Chapter 19,a friendly reminder



I am free


Somewhere in Japan,mountain side

*Author's POV*

(Y/n) knew Muzan would come back for her so she begin to hide herself among people.(Y/n) almost  came across Muzan a couple of times if she didn't sence him like she did when she was in the Castle.

Lucky because she escapes his fingers she was free but she needed to pay a price for it.On her body appeard leaf like tattoos,when she uses her demon art the leafes turn in (f/c) leafes.

Because of that she can't really were any loose kimono but thats alright or else Muzan will find her.

She begin release the people in her brothels and have their memory wiped away,those who were hurt she healed with healing mist but all the people who works at the brothel still see her as the madam,so (Y/n) can easily come in and out.(Y/n) was now walking with in the snow over a mountain,she was basically a traveller.

Soon (Y/n) reached the top of the moantain,dawn came sooner then she though but it wasno problem,she continued to walk but was stopped by a 8 year old boy.

*(Y/n)'s POV*

'Uhmm miss'.A little hand tucked at my kimono.I looked down and my eyes widen.

Yoriichi's child?

Nononono that can't be.Its been over 100 years.....

'What can I do for you?'.I crouch down to his level.

'Well it will be night time soon and maybe you will get lost because of the darkness'.The boy said innocently.

'Brother !!'.I looked behind him and saw a little girl in pink walking quickly to her brother,of course baby steps,awww........

'Brother what are you doing'.She said before looking at me with big eyes like her brother.She suddenly hugged me.

'n-Nezuko,I am sorry for my sister'.Tanjiro tried to get her of me but she didn't budge.

I chuckeled

'No its fine,she gives warm hugs'.I said,smiling.

'Tanjiro,Nezuko!'.A middel age women came out with a baby kept behind her back.

'I am sorry for my childeren,Tanjiro just went out of the house and Nezuko followed him'.She said bowing.

'No its fine but you should go back inside now because its cold and for the monster'.I said standing up now but the childeren didn't let go of me.

'You are right,do you live nearby because I never saw you around here?'.The woman asks.

'No I am a traveller'.I answer

'You can come eat with us and rest for the night'.The woman offerd

'My uhm,I really appricate it but I think I will disline,thank you for the offer'.I said

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