Chapter 35

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Chapter 35,They are back pt.2 - Captured

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Author's POV

The top three uppermoons got in the brothel,in Y/n's wing.

Y/n heard the noise of someone walking in her wing..

Her eyes widen as she felt the presence of demons,she closed her eyes as she tried to contact Itsuki in her head.





'Itsuki answer me!'




Y/n quickly let out poison mist as she dodge a sword,inces away from her neck. She jumped away a meter away as she saw the sword,she followed the arm as she saw the face of upper moon 1, Kokushibo

She looked in the middle pair of his,her own (e/c) turning into slit ones.


She looked at the ground,out of instinct she jumped away but it was to late.

She was pushed through the ceiling of her wing,through the attic,in the starry night.

She rolled on the floor before she caught herself,the uppermoons jumped through the hole and stood in front of her some feet away

Uppermoon 1

Uppermoon 2

Uppermoon 3

Oh nooo

She got on her feet and took of her ring with her pointer finger and thumb and threw it in her other hand were the whip formed in the hand she use it swing it.

'Let's go easy on her.....'. Akaza said,looking ar the two uppermoons.

'As much as we want,we can't. We have to bring her to him but it can if she is willing to come with is without difficulty'. Kokushibo said,unshealding his sword and pointing it to the she-demon.

The she-demon wasn't afraid to fight some uppermoons but she was worried for the demon she cares the most of.

How did they came in,Itsuki would have alerted me right away......

'Itsuki....'. She thought,mist pouring out of her whip as she thought of seeing Itsuki in pain.

'Ara ara,finally of all this time I can see you face to face and you are just as beautiful as they say,a true lotus in spring...ahhh~'. Douma said,blushing.

'Douma,do not be distracted from the point,you need to see her as a enemy'. Kokushibo said as he ran towards me,I did the same as mist came out of my body.

'Moon breathing,Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy'.

'Blood Demon Art: Somnambulistic Puppeteer: Think Holes'

Thick Holes,a new technique that I made,basically I will fill every hole were you can breath in with thick mist,suffocation the being.

Kokushibo ran to me and made multiple slashes as I used my whip to break them,as the slashes and the whip touched it blew the demons away from the roof too the ground.

Everything that Y/n needs to do is to touch Kokushibo's face and fill it with mist,though it will be hard.

Y/n dodged the sword and jumped on him but a cold thing grabbed her and threw her on the ground,breaking the ground in the process.

As she saw the the moon a figure was in front of her. Akaza was in front of the moon and was about to to punch me. Immediately she jumped away,Akaza landed on the ground which he broke,in the corner of her eye she saw a giant statue of ice coming to her.

Mean while Akaza Akaza went for another round and same goes for Kokushibo.

She saw Akaza was the closer to her then Kokushibo so she grabbed him and used her whip to grab him and threw him on Douma,both of them fell on the ground.

Her eyes widen as she saw how close Kokushibo was,she quickly used her arm to block his sword,her lower arm was cut off as she jumped away. She used her demon power to renegate her arm,luckily it wasn't her arm that she uses for her whip. As it was renegate she jumped in the air,on Douma's ice statue and broke it with her body,as my body hit his statue I let out mist that makes you delusional.


This cat and mouse game went for hours as the four strongest demons under Muzan were fighting,all four begin to get tired as they were pushed to their limits.



'Hmmmmmmm........maybe I should get there too?'


'Noo,this is more entertaining...'



Y/n was on her limits as she saw the other demons out of breath too. She saw then nod to each other,they charged at Y/n art he same time. She decided to let out mist out of the ground.

All three uppermoons gave their best attacks but it was to much for Y/n after they attacked her for some minutes..

Y/n lost the battle as she was taken in the Infinity Castle were their master was waiting

As for Itsuki....he was 49 feet away from the brothel they were staying in a forest in blood

'M--m- miss Y-y/'

He chocked out



Hello hellooooooo

Here is a fresh chapter for you guys and I have a idea,what should I call you guys?

Like you guys can be my Stitch's,y'know since my name is Lilo and you guys can be my Stitch you get me?

I hope you have a amazing day/afternoon/night and c'ya

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