Chapter 5

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Chapter 5,Demons?

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'Well well, I knew something big would happen.But I never imagined this'


*(y/n)'s POV*

Who said that?!?!?!

I looked around,searching for someone

But nobody is here except me and that cat


No,that can't be...........

'Yes (l/n) (y/n), I am talking to you'.

I look at the cat that's been staring at me the whole time.

Suddenly black smoke coverd the cat and a man around his 30s came out.

'Hello (l/n) (y/n) I would like to offer you something'. The man said looking at me.

'Who are you?' I ask.

'My name? he said,chuckeling.

'My name is Muzan Kibutsuji.The king of all demons'. He said

Demon king? tf

But I have heard that the demon king's name is Muzan Kitbustuji so??????

'Can you prove that you are the demon king? I asked.

'Sure I can,watch'. He said while walking to a dancers body.

He pushed his pointer finger into her forhead. The colour of her body became blue-grey, her eyes red as she stood up making weird noises.


I just nodded

'Very well then' he said as he again pushed his finger into her forhead,making her scream.You saw her veins and she dropped dead at the floor.

'So my offer, I offer you to become a demon,I watched you for a long time now and saw you treating your female friend when they weree hurtand how you made the poison all by your one.What you are capable of would come very handy for me'.


Do I accept or not?

If I accept I won't be able to go outside in daytime

But if don't accept his offer I will have a hard time for me because soon someone will find this and out and probably hunt me down for witchcraft because of the poisoning.

'Your answer miss (l/n)?'

'I accept your offer'


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