Chapter 15

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Chapter 15,The Search

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I am not sure how the...ahem....person works with his powers.I searched for it but it wasn't really clear so  I impromised.



I do have a wish


Two weeks later after the lampion night,8 am dawn

*(Y/n)'s POV*

Lately I have been staying a lot in brothels at night

Like today I will be staying in a brothels


Because I feel like being watched

It has a strange scent but I do can say that its a demon because the scent disappears when dusk rolls around

So I have some theories for the scent

 -It was for sure not a normal demon because they smell and sence different but it also can if Muzan-sama give them a task

-I could be a uppermoon that I didn't met

-Muzan-sama him self

So I live like a normal person and comes out in daytime and sleep at night time

But I keep changing to brothel to brothel because last night the scent came in the brothel I was staying

I was waiting for the demon to come.I had a plan for tonight(like always)

*Flasback from yesterday*

First,walk somewhere in a busy street in Japan,the demon will follow me

3 hours and 15 minutes before sunrise I will go to my first ever owned brothel

I will go in there when sunrise is near

Act like you always did when I couldn't walk in the sun

Wait for night time to come

Cover my body with mist of illusion and wait for the demon on a pillar 

*Flasback ends*

So here I am sitting on a pillar of the first brothel I own I hid my scent with a layer of mist all over my body

Ahhhhhh so nostalgic,the memories



My plan worked and the scent  was near

It was probably woundering why I didn't come out,so It came inside the brothel and there I saw it 


A demon with horns ,pointy ears and under the eyes you see veins


He looked around trying to find me but it soon walked away

His scent was form a mix of a uppermoon,a normal demon,hate and I don't know 10 lady perfumes

I quitely followed him above and saw

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