Chapter 26

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A/n: The house were Tamyo is staying is not the house in the anime and manga,remember we she said something about moving or else they will be catched when Muzan send two demon to attack,well this the house they went to.PURE MY IMAGINATION.On to the story

Chapter 26, Friends

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The paper had Tamayo's adress and a message

'Come fast Y/n-san,the mess will be soon over'

What mess I don't know but I guess it had something to do with Muzan,since he is a mess


Itsuki and I arrived at the place were Tamayo is staying.We ended up in a two story house.Itsuki was about to knock on the door when a demon boy came and opened it.

'So you are miss Tamayo's friend?Come in and you are...?'.The demon boy ask pointing at Itsuki.

'Itsuki,brat'.Itsuki said.

'Oh that demon who couldn't handle his own power and went berserk,you can come in'.He said as he stepped away so we could enter

'Why you litttle piece of sh-'.I cut off Itsuki

'Thank you uhmm'.I said 

'Yushiro'.He said.

'hm,thank you Yushiro....ahem'.I said

'Yes,thank you Yushito'.Itsuki said.Both boys had many irk marks on their head and would blow each other up if it wasn't for Tamayo to save.

'Y/n,its good to see you,oh is that itsuki?'.Tamayo said as she hug me and I hug back.I sence a very venom hate from Yushiro when I hugged Tamayo,I guess Itsuki senced it to and glared at Yushiro.

'Hello miss Tamayo,long time no see'.Itsuki as he smiled at her

'You change alot,a good changed'.Tamayo complimented Itsuki.

'How about we go in a room and talk further there'.Tamayo sais.

'Sounds great'.I said,I followed Tamayo as we walked in a room that was covered with red-burgundy walls and a brown wooden floor what had a table and sit pillows for four people.Tamayo and Yushiro said infront of me and Itsuki,of coure the glaring went on wth both boys.

'Since you like to go straight Y/n-san,I will tell you thereason why I wanted to you to come here'.Tamayo said.I nodded.

'I close to find the cure of turning a demon back to a human but I need your help with it.You see with your blood and that from the uppermoons I was able to make it but there are some problems with and I ran out with your blood'.Tamayo said that last part really soft.

'Haha okay,no problem.I'm glad you were able to make a cure for this but I have a question.Since when are you making this cure?'.I asks.

'Ever since a demon slayer came to a city me and Yushiro were staying.Muzan turned a human man into a demon,yet this demon slayer called it a human being.His sister is a demon so he joined the hunters to find a cure for his sister'.Tamayo explained.

'Haa I understand,well we are here now so when do you want to start Tamayo?'.I asks

'How about tomorrow,you and Itsuki can rest and make yourself comfortable here,I have three patients to help'.Tamayo said.

'Thats okay with me,Itsuki?'.I said,turning to Itsuki.

'I am alright with it'.Itsuki said.

'Than its settled,Yushiro please show them their rooms'.Tamayo asks.

'Hai,miss Tamayo.This way'.Yushiro said as he led us to our rooms. We went on the second floor,mine and Itsuki's room were next to each other.

'Thank you Yushiro'.I said as I stepped in my room.

'Yeah Thank you,Yushito'.Itsuki said as he glared at Yushiro

'Why you disgusting failed creature!'.Yushiro said with 85 irk marks while Itsuki laughed.


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