Chapter 18

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Chapter 18,Tage your it part 3


So he has the balls to come himself huh?

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*Author's POV*

As the uppermoons continue to capture (Y/n),Muzan watched in amusement at this game of tag.

'My spider lily really loves to play with people huh? '.Muzan though.

He teleported to the brothel were everything was happening.

He was sure that (Y/n) senced him so wanted to do this quickly as possible.

The door opened and he stepped in the brothel,mist everywhere

Muzan closed his eyes as he senced the uppermoons and his spider lily

He summond the uppermoons to stop chasing her as he run to the place were she is in inhuman speed.

(Y/n) felt the air change and senced Muzan running towards her,so (Y/n) begin running to

The uppermoons watched as she suddenly came out of the mist and run past them and not a second later their master.


And this went for a couple of minutes until Muzan was able to catch her.He snapped his fingers and the doors and windows close in a loud noise and the uppermoons immediately bowed down as their master came into the room with (Y/n).

'You played a lovely game of tag my spider lily'


'Uppermoons,this (Y/n).She makes safehouses but begin a revolution towards me'.

'May I speak Muzan-sama?'


'What did she to start a revolution towards our Master?'.Douma asks

'For a long time (Y/n) begin to hide things from me,she didn'' really update aymore and the safehouses weren't made anymore,well (Y/n) what do you got to say about that?'

'I didn't feel like it'.(Y/n) boldly says.

'That isn't a reason for this'

'It is'.(Y/n) said glaring at Muzan as he did back

Muzan broke it and said

'Tell us another reason,I would be a waste not to use such a demon art'.Muzan said harsh.

'Again,I didn't feel like it'

Muzan grabs (Y/n)'s hair pulling it so he could see her whole face

'Don't talk like that to me'

'What are you going to do about it?'


Muzan looks furiously in (Y/n) face while she smirks at the reaction

'After all I was the one who told you about the blue spider lily'



Silence filled the room as the uppermoons fell the tension Muzan and (Y/n) were making by just glaring daggers at each other.

'You know,this would never happen if you just told me you wanted to talk,Muzan-sama'

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