Chapter 21

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Itsuki looks like the right boy in the picture


Chapter 21,life or dead? part 1


*Author's POV*

As Itsuki sleeps (Y/n) looked at him.She was happy that she was able to help him but she thinks when Muzan will appear and destroy these moments of her.Will she be able to protect Itsuki?But she know that a beautiful relation will grow,she just feels it.Just like when she was with the maids......


*(Y/n)'s,POV*,same day,night time

I was walking around the brothel thinking about what to do now.I now have a kid with me,Muzan is probably planning to do something.I was almost fell to the ground with a sudden weight came on my back

'(Y/n)!'.Itsuki said happy

'Well hello there,did you sleep wel?'.I ask.

'Yes I did'He said.

'Thats good'.I said,Itsuki got off from my back and stood infront of me

'Are we going to buy clothes for me?!?'.Itsuki asks,jumping up and down.

'Yes'.I said

'Yay let go'.He said draggin my hand to the entrace

'Calm down,by the way how old are you?'.I ask

'7'.He said

'Alright,hold on let me get my money and a back'.

'Hurry up!!'

We were out of the building and begin to walk in the markt.Itsuki looks everywhere with sparkels in his eyes while he holds my hand.

'Excited?'.I ask

'Yes,since I don't have to steal or get a beat up from it'.He said looking at me.

'Is it your first time?'.I ask.
'Yes'.He answered

'Them we will spend as much money as jou like'.I said
'Really?!?!?!'.He asks.
'Yes'.I said. Come on,lets go to that stall'.I pointed to a clothing stall for childeren.He nodded and we went there.

'Ooh this would look nice on you'.I said as I took the yukata with blue and white.

'That would look nice on me'.Itsuki says.

'I got the feeling that you like to complement yourself'.I said deadpanning.

'Thats true'.He said.

'Let's go look for more clothing'.I said,looking at other yukata's' .I said.

'Alright we got the clothes lets go'.Itsuki said

'A-a-a-a we need to pay first'.I said




'Thats the law'

'The law sucks'

'I know'

'Why are you listening to it then?'

'So I don't get arrested,welcome to Tokyo brat'

'Wow I feel so welcomed,thank you for having me here'

'Thats what I though'


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