Chapter 29

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Chapter 29,Bad Memories part 2 


'We will be back as soon as we are done'. I said, I patted Itsuki's back,he looked at me and nodded. He ran to the side of the house and jumped on the walls and jumped down from a tree,looking for a demon.....


Itsuki was running throught the forest and used his nose to smell one,I was also looking around for one but surprisingily there were none,I closed my eyes

'There are none demons here,this is not good.Its either demon slayers or.........Muzan'.I though.

'Itsuki lets look around somewhere else,there are none here'.I said.

'Hai miss Y/n'.Itsuki said in a deep voice and ran somewhere else throught he forest,we got out of the forest and were now running on a path.

I find this really weird,normally there would be demons everywhere,heck even in a city but it was quiet,too quiet for Japan.

'Miss Y/n,I don't smell any demon around,what now?'.Itsuki asked,turning to face me.I looked at his leaf tattoo on his forhead.I patted his head and got off of him.

'I don't know Itsuki,Its feel peacefull'.I said as I looked to the moon,Itsuki put his wolfhead on my schoulder,I held his cheek.What now?

I heard a bush move in the distance,Itsuki heard it too

'Miss Y/n a smells familiar'.Itsuki said,my eyes widen I got on Itsuki

'Itsuki run now,thats Uppermoon 1 Kokushibo'.I said,Itsuki begin to run back in the forest at funn speed.

I looked back and saw Kokushibo staying on the path,six yellow eyes glowing in the distance as he unscealdeth his sword,the swordtip was still in the he was hesitating.....

I gasped

'Ran faster Itsuki but don't go to Tamayo and Yushiro'.I said

'Hai'.He said.

We ran for quit a while,I kept turning back to see something but never saw Kokushibo there nor were demons there,knowing Muzan Kokushibo will be in big trouble if Muzan finds out that he saw me

Itsuki jumped over a wall that was on the outskirt of the city and ran till he found a village,no lights were on.He then jumped on the small wall of 2 meter and was now running on the roofes.

I metioned to stop which he did immediately and got off the roof he was running on.I got off him

'Change back'.I said,he nodded and shifted back to normal demon Itsuki.

'What happend behind us in the forest miss Y/n?'.He asked.

'Kokushibo.......he didn't do anything'.I said as I placed a hand on my chin.

'Kokushibo?'.He asked.

'Yes Kokushibo,uppermoon one.He was there when that happend'.I said,it still hurts me what happend that night to Itsuki,if I just didn't used my mist to cover sounds from outside maybe just maybe I could have prevented what happened.

'Miss Y/n?'.Itsuki asked.

'Yes?'.I asked.

'Are you still thinking about what happend that night?'.He asked,I tensed.


'Miss Y/n.....that was not your fault'.He said and hugged me.

'How is it not my fault?I took you in my care so what happend to you.....I am responsible for that'.I asked and hugged him back.

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