Chapter 2

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Chapter 2,The Show Begins part 2

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'Tommorow it will happen'


4 am

*(y/n)'s pov*

I didn't sleep I was nervous.

Will this work out?

Am I sure to do this?

Can I do this?


Don't doub now (y/n) you prepared for this!

I was so deep into thoughts that already reached the kitchen.

'Hey Akari'

'Ohh, hey (y/n)'.

'ready to cook Akari?'

'born ready'

'Lets go'

I treasure this moment with Akari. I smiled bitterly.


6.45 am (or pm idk)

15 mins left

15 mins to Akari leaves the kitchen to smoke outside

She leaves at 7 am and comes back at 7.15 am

15 mins is enough for me

enough time to poison the food

Currently I am drying the dishes that we used.


7 am

Akari left the kitchen and went to the ally a little beneat the kitchen.I made sure to stay into the shadows


She just threw something to the cat


I made sure to check the hallway for anyone, but saw nobody


I took the bag and opened on of the bottles and put poison into the food.

I made 3 bottles medium-size bottles

7.11 am

I finished and put the bottles in to the bag and back into the cabinet.I made sure to leave no traces left.

7.15 am

Akari came back 


'Yes' I say

'Alright, lets served these than'.

I nodded

We came into the dininghall and saw all the dancers,stripers(bitches) and the Madam (queen bitch)

'Ara ara Yua, your costumer was loud. We heard it above our own'.

'Sorry Niko but hey, I atleast did my job perfect'. Yua smirk

Niko didn't take it and threw a nearby vase to Yua

Atleast hit her if you intent to hurt her

'Well it looks like you missed hehe,Oi maid clean that up'.

And all I could do is nod

I cleaned it up and saw all the bitches including queen bitch eat the food

My mother was a herbalist and my father was a alcoholic, because of my father I always sticked with my mother.My mother teached me everything about herbs,mixes,poison etc.

That's why I am able to do this


Part 1 accomplished

⁓ tbc

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