Chapter 10

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'Chapter 10, Twins

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My my, even the thought about that moment of attack gives me chills.


*(y/n)'s POV*

A couple of hours later after the encounter with Yoriichi

I better report this to the man.I teleported to de Infinty Castle about Yoriichi,the demon slayer.I have encouter some demon slayers when they were returning probably and won those battles but this guy was different.The demon slayers I encouter were not pillars but they all had different breathing styles but some of them said something a guy with sun breathing. 

Sun breathing sounds very powerfull.............

Could this be the guy with sun breathing?

As I walked in the Infinity Castle I felt a strong,dominant presence.

I immediately kneed down

'Well hello there my spider lily,what brings you here?'.He said

'I came to update about the demon slayers'.I said

'What about it?'.He said

'I encountered someone with a very powerfull and was on a higher level than the demon slayers I have encountered'.

'What makes this demon slayer so powerfull?'.

'When he attacks,you can't even see him move.I was able to dodge his attack with luck but his blade was a red nirichin blade so it left a little buring scar on me because I dodged it'.

'Show me the scar'He said,furious.

I show the scar.The scar went from  my eye to my mouth corner.

'So he did that to you?'.He said,still furious

'Yes'I said.

'Alright,I will look for him.Go back now'.He said, a little calmer now.

'Yes'.I said.

He disappeard away.

I went back to a brothel I own and begin to eat a test person.

I usually use the people I capture to try new things out with my demon art. Like now I can even make a mist that is able to mess with the memories of someone.I even leave a little mist cloud in every brothel to see how its going there,the clouds are her eyes for the brothels she isn't in.

*Author's POV*

As always (y/n) would sit on a royal chaise with her whipp in her hand as she watches how the men and women do their work as her slaves.

Most of the time it was quiet in the brothel were she was.

Sometimes uppermoons comes to her places to hide from the sun.

One of them gave her a PTSD attack..

(Y/n) laughs at this memory as she remembers it

Its was when a demon came to the place were she was.As (y/n) stared at the demon horrorfied and the demon back with six eyes she just rememberd the memory of Yoriichi.Heck (y/n) was already scared of Yoriichi but a Yoriichi with six eyes was even more terrifying.

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