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Host: Author-san (lost twin of Lilo-Princess)

Guest: Lilo-Princess (lost twin of Author-san)

Audience: You,all of you

Cameramans: Little demons from Muzan

Lilo-Princess's theme- Rude Eternal youth

Komoboko squad meets Deku squad- Author-san's band for the show( like Roots for jimmy)



'Be ready Lilo'

'Got it'

'Late Night writing Show Starting with Author-san comes back from the break in 5....4....3....2..!'

Author-san: Welcome back everyone to the Late Night Writing Show Starting with Author-san'

*Audience claps*

Author-san: Tonight were we have as guest Wattpad writer 

*Audience claps*

Author-san: Hehe.......so many of you guys have sent us requests to invite this fanfic writer on Wattpad so give a warm applause and welcome fooorrrrrrr Lilo-Princes!!!

*Komoboko squad meets Deku squad plays Eternal youth*

*Curtains open*

*Author-san stands up as Lilo-Princess walks in and begin to wave at the audience*

*audience claps and go ballistic*

Lilo-Princess: Konnichiwa Author-san!

Author-san: H-Konnichiwa Lilo-Princess,glad you could come

*Both sit down and so the audience*

Lilo-Princess: Thank you for having me here Author-san

Author-san: No worries Lilo-Princess

Lilo-Princess: Lilo is fine,Author-san

Author-san: Okay Lilo,so a lot,with that I mean A LOT of the viewers have ask you to come and ask us to h-have you here,so we asked them to sent us questions they want to ask you'

*Lilo nods*

Author-san: Alright lets get stared then

Lilo: Hit it Author-san

Author-san: Alright,Lilo how is it to be a fanfic writer?

Lilo: Well its actually nice, especially if you write a story that has a actually story

Author-san: Like Demon Slayer?

Lilo: Yes

Author-san: Alright next,How do you come up with your stories and plots?

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