Chapter 9

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Chapter 9, The Chase part 2

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I quickly step out of my sandals and stood now bare foot on the ground.I let a illusion mist and a poison mist out of every part of my body as I ran back to the busy street to another ally only to see Yoriichi cathing up to me,determine written all over his face to end me here,tonight.I jumped on a building and begin to jump on other buildings to escape from his grip.I saw him under me and continued jumping over buildings.I thought I lost him only to be surprised when he jumpen high into the air.


*Author's POV*

(Y/n)'s face showed true horror as Yoriichi jumped high in the air and also begin to jump over building,eyes never leaving hers.(y/n) let out a soft little scream as she continued to jump over buildings.She didn't need to turn around,she knew Yoriichi was catching up to her so she formed a plan with 2 parts.

Part 1

(Y/n) will go to a building near a busy street and jump down to creeate a ruckus and frame Yorrichi for it,Propably willl choose a store that sell clothes.Were kimono's are,there are haori.She just need to find a red haori similair to Yorrichi's and a random one.The owner will probably inform the police and the police will try to follow her.In the meantime she will duck down and find Yoriichi and frame him and make a run for it to a brothel far for here while putting the other haori one,better safe than sorry.This will happen quickly but if  Yoriichi is able to catch up to her part 2 comes in action.But if not he will probably look for her  but the problem for this that she didn't know how he find here in the first place.Did he sense her?Smell? 

Part 2 

(y/n) will continue to jump over building over a while.Eventually they will come to a place were a brothel is that (y/n) wants to own.She will lead Yoriichi there and as soon they are near the building (y/n) will go to the shower part of the brothel.Hopefully Yoriichi will be so fluster with naked women around him that (y/n) will be out of his sight for 5 seconds.In those seconds (y/n) will go to a hallyway and create illusions.Yoriichi looks like a man who never saw a women naked so this plan was worth a shot. 

The reason why(y/n) know this place is because she is planning to make this also a save house and she was traveling by foot to go there.(Y/n) had her eyes on this place for a long time now.

They have been jumping for 25 mins now.Its now or never

Part 1 is now in action

Both of them continued to jump over building till (y/n) suddenly jump down and sprinted in a busy street,Yoriichi quickly followed her throught the street.(Y/n) saw a clothing stall and took a haori simaliar to Yoriichi's and put it on.As she took it and ran towards Yoriichi's way the owner of the stall saw it and called a thief,informing people and policeman near him.(Y/n) took the haori off and saw Yoriichi to the right of her,lucky he didn't see her as she put the haori she stole into his arms and run away.Yoriichi looked confused for a second but quickly recoverd.He was about to follow her but saw stopped by the policemens.The owner didn't saw if it was a girl or boy who stole it so who had it,was the thief.But Yoriichi give the haori to the policemen and went to the way (y/n) went.He didn't saw her,He jumped up to a building looking  everywhere but didn't saw.He tried to sence but she is either far away or was able to hide herself with the crowed,so he jumped onto buildings,looking for her.


Little did he know that (y/n) was in a crowed putting girls into her control to all by a (f/c) kimono and letting their hair loose.She sent 15 girls to different streets to hopefully confuse Yoriichi.

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