Chapter 12

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Chapter 12,A little Training


As Akaza left (Y/n) left to do her own things


*(Y/n)'s POV *

I was thinking

Thinking  about that little girl...

She felt so close

I dont know but when I came to think about it . If I needed to kill parents, i could do that without hesitation but if  I needed to kill I probably couldn't.


I don't know

Could I relate to her?


This really ironic, a demon killed my parents and grandma and here I am thinking I could relate to her. Only ti be in de foothsteps of the demon that killed my family.

I killed hers.......

I was so deep in thoughts that I didn't even noticed that a servant came

'Sir Akaza ask for your presence,madam'.

'Telk him I will be there'.

'Yes madam'.

I left the thoughts behind,I must be overthinking it.

I quickly walked to the door to go where Akaza is only to find him by my door,waiting for me.

'Hello (Y/n)-sama'

'Oh Akaza what are doing here , I was about to go where you are'.

'I can't let a maiden walk alone,can I?'

'You really treat women like queens,is cute'.

'You think?'

'Of course I do,what kind of question is that?'

'Sorry but I would like to practice my demon art with you if that's ok with you?'

'Its oke,we should head to the training ground then'

We walked to the training ground while having small talks with each other.

'What is your demon art actually (Y/n)-sama?'

'I can let out mist of my body with different functions to it,for example I can make a sleepy mist to make others sleepy without it affecting me'.
'Wow (Y/n)-sama that's so cool'.
'Thank you,what is yours Akaza?'

We reached the training ground

'I can make shockwaves from the pressure of my fist and to generate fast'
'Well let's practice and develop our skills then shall we?' I said while making a distance between us

'We shall (Y/n)-sama' Akaza said while bringing his fists up,standing in a position


*Author's POV*

(Y/n) and Akaza both activated their demon art.(Y/n) made a mist for illusions as Akaza made his way through it,Akaza begin to punch and waves violently to make the mist go away.

He tried to find (y/n) through the mist where she stood but didn't find her.Suddenly something grabbed his leg and threw him against the wall.

Without him knowing (y/n) smiled in victory when he crashed in the wall because of her whipp.She entered the mist and said
'Tired Akaza?'In a teasing voice
'Never!'Akaza said

Akaza did the same but this time he saw were (Y/n) was standing,(y/n) was him coming and quickly hid but Akaza run towards her, but made a Illusion of her self running the opposite way where she was running.

She thought that she out started him to het surprise she got a soft blow on her stomach.

And she got pinned down by Akaza

'Like you now I treat women like queens so the soft blow did the trick'.He said,smirking.

'But aren't we practicing?'

'We are bu-'

'We are practicing so go as hard as you can or this will go to Muzan-sama!'(Y/n) said,disappearing in the mist'

'She is one hell of a women'.Akaza though.

Both demons trained till the sun was down

'Uhmmm (Y/n)-sama is it alright if I came here sometimes,I liked to train with you and how you are so is that ok with you?'

'Sure are always welcome in my places.But do tell the mist cloud were you are,if I am at another brothel I will come when I can'.

'Hm thank you (Y/n)-sama see you then'Akaza said smiling

'See you soon Akaza'(Y/n) said,smiling

Somewhere in Japan

'Mommy,how can daddy dancing in the snow when he is so fragile?'


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