Chapter 34

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Chapter 34,They are back pt.1

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' them.....'.I said.

He looked at me

'Trust them as much you trust me'.I said,smilling

We smiled at each our,little did we know of the many eyes listening to us


3 days till attack

It was a peacefull day..

Itsuki was training

The girls in the brothel drooing and staring at Itsuki

Maid/Slaves were doing their job

I was also doing my thing,praticing my demon art ect.

Time skip evening sunset

I was curently sipping some blood that was poured in my tea cup,I watched the streets.

'Lady Y/n.....',A voice said,I turned around and saw a  maid bowing to me

'Raise and yes Yina?'.I said,Yina looked at me

'Uhm....something.....has been bothering me.......alot actually'.She sid.

'What is it?'.I asked.

'Well........we should be more carefull in the family always told me that demons are lurking in the night....and since we usually have bussiness in the night.......I just want us to be save.......'.She said,I smiled.

' not demon will enter here'.I said.

'How can you be so sure?'.She asked.

'We have placed wisteria in every room,door,windows,ect'.I said.

'Plus Itsuki guards the nights,his sixth sence is strong'.I said.

'Itsuki.......'.She said,blushing.

My eyes widen

'Ara ara,does someone has a little crush?'.I said,already knowing the answer.

'N-no no! I-I don't l-like Itsuki!'.She said.

'Haha,sure⁓,is there something else you want to say?'.I said.

'N-no I will take me leae now'.She said,walking backwards,not noticing the person that was about to walk in.

'Alright,tell me if you two get married...I will get to pick your dress and rings!'.I said.

'I-I don't like him!'.She yelled,beet red

'Really?'.I said.

'Ye-ahh!'.She said,turning around but she bumped in a firm chest,she looked up

'I-I-I-Itsuki!'.She said as she removed herself from Itsuki's toned chest.He was holding two bags.

'Yes,I,Itsuki'.He said.

He looked at me and smiled,I tilled my head and smiled back.He pushed her away with his arm and walked to me.Yuna ran out the room,I waved at her but I don't think she was it.

'I was strolling through the market and found some kimono's that I though you would look beautifull on you miss Y/n'.He said as he showed a beautifull pastel/dark f/c kimono with white lotus shapes on the end parts of the sleeves and dress.I smiled as I holded the dress.

'Why thank you Itsuki,its beautifull'.I said,he opened the other bag

'Anndddddd these too!'.He said as he turned my to the large mirror and placed at necklace on my neck,I touched this.

'W-wow Itsuki,were did you find these?!'.I asked.

'I got magic for that'.He said.

'These are so beautifull!'.I said.

'Only the best for you miss Y/n....'.he said.

'Awww,your so sweet'.I said,looking at the other stuff he bought,hairpins,rings,bracelets

Author's POV

As the shows were being hold,the placed was filled with music,drunk men,giggles,moans

The two demons weren't such fan of loudness so they went to do their own things

Itsuki was on the roof,for patroll but he was looking at the stars and bright white dot that were painted on the sky

'Well hello there big brother,how are you?'.He asked.


Y/n was in her quiet wing,she was on edge

Something didn't feel right




'She is here?'


'Ara ara'

'Stay in the shadows everyone,that demon on the roof will notice us...'. (a/n: Senpai?)

'After all this time,we can catch her...'

'Be quiet,both she and he have amazing demon power,she can knock you out with a finger snap and he can turn into animale he wants...'

'I was sure that he won't surive but I guess I was wrong....'

'You two were friends wither her right?'

'Yeah...I still respect Y/n-san alot so lets do this quickly!......'

'We got the pots in position,we can move...'.





'You sure enjoyed eating that maid,huh?'

'Sure did'

'Awww you should have told me that you were eating a girl,I would have gone with you....'

'You have no respect'

'What your gonna do about it...'


'Akaza....we need Douma,stop it'

'Yeah Akaza can kill me later'

'Hm! Hell I will'


Hey everyone!

So uh here is another chapter

Really random but since yesterday I have bee watching Itinial D and low-key its FIRE

I have a thing for cars,monster tructs and whips......always have


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