Chapter 25

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Chapter 25,Beauty and the Beast part 3

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'Thanks,let keep moving everyone!'.The guy named Masachika said as they continues to follow me.


Y/n's POV

Oh no

20 men are following me uhmm what to do what to do what to do!??!?!?!?!

'Miss Y/n jump!'.Itsuki said,I did what he told me and jump high in the air,I sence Itsuki but I was still in shock what happend just some seconds ago

When Itsuki said to jump he came from the ground in one of his forms.As soon he was out of the grounf his transformed into a dragon and grabbed me with his upper legs and flew away.

'Quick get them!'.One shouted and soon saw jumped high in the air tryining to jump on Itsuki's tail.

I summoned my whip as I ordered it to extend to a whip with a 70 meter cracker,I covered it with (f/c) as I attacked,I cracked my whip were the hunters were running,some dodged it but they weren't prepared of the consequents

Blood Demon Art : Somnambulistic puppeteer : Whip of Delusion!

When one inhales the mist it will mess with their objective and will do the opposite from they need to do

Like now they stopped and some begin to attack their comrades who had in mind to kill me or Itsuki


'Everybody stop please!'

'That woman,ahhhhhh!!!!!!'

It was a bloodbath but Itsuki keep flying away

'Thank you Itsuki'.I said

'No problem miss Y/n'.Itsuki said in a dark voice.

I kept looking forward so I missed the warmness from Itsuki's dragon face and its blood red blush

'The Sun will come up soon so we need a place to land'.I said as I looked down for any human and a place

'Don't worry miss Y/n,I got this'.Itsuki said in a dark voice

We landed a bit sooner before the Sun came up because we flew to a farm part,so the people would wake up sooner and its better safe than sorry

'Here we go miss Y/n'.Itsuki said as he flew close to the ground.He threw my high in the air as he shfted back in his normal form and landed on the ground,his feet made marks as he hit the ground,the marks were around 2 meters because he landed from around 3 meters in the air.As landed he held his arms open and I fel in his arms.

'I got you miss Y/n!'.Itsuki said ahppy.

'Thank you for cathing me Itsuki,will put me down'.I said 

'Ah yes of course'.He said as he put in on my feet

'Hehe just how I planned'.Itsuki thought as he looked at his hands what just holded his miss waist and the back of her knees

'Itsuki?come on'I said.

'Huh? oh yess'.Itsuki said as he begin to run towards me and walk behind me

'This village is pretty small so we go through it in a day and hopefully if you have strength left we can make a run for the thrid village after sunset'.I explained to Itsuki

'I will have endless strength and stamina miss Y/n we can make a run now around the village if you want?'.Itsuki said.

It is a amazing idea but its to risky,wait.....

'Thats a amazing idea Itsuki,can you shift in a horse?'.I truned to Itsuki.

'Hai'.He said and not even 7 seconds later he was a horse,I put the two bags that were left on his back as I clim on his back

'Go Itsuki!'.I yell as he stood on his two back legs and came a horse noise and ran

Time skip the fourth village

Turns out Itsuki has endless stamina and strength,he ran for a whole day and part of the night,of course he shifted in a much more faster animal in the night.We reached the city were Tamayo is staying.I booked a room in a inn.I was sitting on my bed and took a piece of meat out while Itsukiw as walking on his feet and hands around the room.

'Itsuki come here'.I said as he crawled towards me

'Here you go'.I said as I gave me the meat,I put the meat on a piece of thick paper so no blood would spill on the floor,I also opened the windows.

Itsuki was munching on his rewards as I looked outside and clutch on the piece of paper



Yoi funsui-dori street 5



Come fast Y/n-san,the mess will be soon over


The paper had Tamayo's adress and a message

'Come fast Y/n-san,the mess will be soon over'

What mess I don't know but I guess it had something to do with Muzan,since he is a mess


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