⁓ Side Chapter⁓

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Side chapter,Back in a human body with human feelings

Y/n's POV 6 years old


'Like this?'.I asked my mother

'Yes,now grain the leaves and add it to the nut mix'.My mom said,I did as she said and poured into the bowl with crushed nuts and and stuff.I mixed it all in the brown wooden pestle.

'Ne N/n?'.My mother asked.

'Yes mom?'.I asked.

'Why did you want a herb mix? Did you just wanted to learn it or?'.She asked.

'Wellll.......'.I said

'Hm?'.She turned her head face a but so I saw the side of it and brought it closer to me.

'It......it is for........well..........'.I saw lost for the words

'Out with it'.She said and crossed her arms over her chest.

I sighed

'Its for a baby deer I saw in the woods near our house,it was hurt.......I checked the area for its mother but there was no deer'.I explained,my mother sighed and patted my head.

'Is it still waiting for you?'.She asked.

'Well I did say to it to wait behind our house,I checked it before coming here'.I said.

'Go get the deer,I will look at it'.She said,my face lit up and I ran out of the house

'Hye gran-gran!'.I said as I passed her by,gran gran was sitting outside listening how the trees made noise with the wind with her eyes closed.

'Hello my lovely grandchild!'.She said with her eyes still closed.

I ran towards the back and saw the baby deer eating some grass,it saw me and stopped eating

'Hey deery,my mom said that she will check on you'.I said as I picked it up and walked back,now my granny looked at me

'Is that a deer?'.She asked.

'Jup'.I said as I walked in the house to the room were my mom was,I walked in the room and placed it on the ground and stroke its head.

'Were is it hurt?'.She asked

'Its leg'.I said and showed my mom its right back leg that was fractured and dried blood was around it

'Oh dear,don't worry little miss deer I will help you'.My mom said.

'Alright 1.WE will help it and 2.how do you know what gender it is?'.I asked with sass

'Don't get sassy with me little girl and that is adult magic'.She answered,I pouted.

In the end of the day my mom helped the deer as I fed it and keep it warm.We called it little deary since will its a deer.....

We lit it rest in the room as we eat dinner.My dad was somewhere in the village,drinking.

Time Skip The next day

'Do we have to let her go?'.I asked as I hugged miss deary's neck.

'Yes n/n,it belongs in the wild.Maybe its mother is looking for her'.My mom said,rubbing my back as my eyes begin to water.

'Bye miss deary,maybe we will cross paths'.I said and hugged it for the last time

'Bye miss deary,hope you reach your home'.My mother said

'I maybe don't know you but goodbye miss deary,it was miss deary right m/n?'.My garnny said,whispering the last sentence part o my mom who nodded.

Miss deary ran away into the forest,my mom patted my shoulder

'It will remember your kindness n/n'.My mom said and kissed my temple

'Come n/n,I will tech you how to fix a hole in your clothes'.Granny said.

Kindness can come in different forms,one is when you do it whole heartly and the second is filled wiht poison,kindness with poison is given from people who are ungratefull and selfish.Those will only get the same kindness back.

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