⁓ Side Chapter⁓

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Side Chapter,21/22, A change

It was day time,Itsuki was asleep.I walked to a wooden chest of drawers were I keep my scrolls and books in.I opend one drawer and took a book and sat on my cushion and put the book on a wooden table were ink was.I begin to browse throught it before I begin to write.


The 'Therianthrope Walker' is Itsuki's demon art.So he can shift in what animal he wants,real or not.I though it would be good to help him train with his demon art so I brought him to forests to train him.I hope that

Day 1 - shifting training

Both of us went to a forest and begin to train Itsuki.I wanted to begin with little animals so it would be easiler to move if its gets out of control.Some days ago I asks for Itsuki a good discription of what he saw in that room were all the animals were.After some time Itsuki got the shifting patron in his head.For him to shift he needs to close his eyes and say the word in his self 'Enter the shifter room'.There he sees all his forms he can shift into.I asks to shift in one of the little animals there and he shifted into a bunny,everytime Itsuki shifts into a animal he is able to use its abilities.Like He shifts into a bunny,he feels soft ad can hear ants walk.We tried different animals it went amazing.In every animal Itsuki is covered in small leafes.After some time Itsuki was able to shift smoothly into little animals he wishes to shift but what surprised me the most was when we returned to a brothel I ws holding him while he was in a baby panda form,he jumped out of my arms and shifted mid air into his human demon form.

I am proud of my baby

Day 2 - condition and body training

We did the same like the first day but this time with slighty larger little animals like,dogs,cats,a turtle ect. But Itsuki told me he's tired after we wre done.I though that he has to training his stamina like a normal human.I guess he is a little boy but demons are different soo.......doining it won't hurt.I trained Itsuki with his stamina,hearing,smell,insticts,body.Everytime I want to train Itsuki we do that in a forest or a brothel.But for this it would be dumb to do that in a brothel,full of women.

At the end of the night,Itsuki was exhausted so we are going to do this for a couples of times more

Day 3- shifting training

Today we are going to shift into middle large little(?) types of animals like: dogs,cats,turtles,deer ect.

Apperently Itsuki was kinda exhausted but still pushed through till sunrise.I told him that its okay and we could go home but he insist.

Note: Stamina is important for shifting

Day 4 - nothing

We did nothing today,I wanted that Itsuki is relaxed and fine so we can continue tommorow with the training

Day 5 -  shifting training

Now that Itsuki rested we can continue with the training.Today we will be doing the shifiting from day 3.I want that Itsuki got this before we move on.

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