Chapter 37

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Chapter 37,The Final Battle pt.1

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'Blood Demon Art : Therianthrope Walker :Minokawa'

' I am sorry miss Y/n but stay calm I am coming'. He said to himself in his head,his red eyes glowing in the night.


Author's POV

As Y/n sat there,somewhere is the castle. The castle suddenly moved,she was turned ro her right,she landed against a window. The window was made of paper so she went through the window,in a room.

'Ugh...'. She said,she looked up and saw the room.

It was a single room that was lit with candles. There was a corridor and a table in the room with a tatami floor mat. She walked to the corridor and opened it.


She looked down and saw two tatami balls roll out the corridor. She picked them up,they were pretty.

As she touched them a child's laughter was heard.she placed them back in the corridor and closed the doors,she held her hands on the corridors doors.

'.......poor demon child'. She said and walked out of her room.

As she was walking around the castle,yet she saw none of the uppermoons.

'Weird.......'. She thought.

Then she remembered,today is the day

She looked left and right.

'.....I have to get out of here...'. She said to herself.

She was now running,jumping ect through the castle but she was listening

She kept running but stopped when she heard metal hitting something hard,its already began

She begin to ran towards the sound,she pushed her sleeves just some steps and she would saw what was going on. She thinks that they are fighting.

As she opened the door,which was the only obstacle that was between her and the fight.

She was about the slide the door open but the room changed.

'Shit!'. She yelled and she didn't hear the sound of metal.









Y/n face palmed

'Of course!'. She said,Nakime.........

'...I have to be out of her range.....shit.....I don't know her power except that she moves the castle with her biwa,what to do,what to do,what to do!!!!

Y/n looked around the castle. Suddenly a path was formed to outside,the city?!


Y/n eyes widen as she the voice of Yushiro was heard through the part of castle were she was.

'Yushiro!'. She yelled.

'Go through the path that leads outside,I have the doemont that controls the castle,that demon dog is waiting for you!'. He yelled

Demon dog,Itsuki?

She begin to run towards the path but the castle begin to shake. Y/n begin to run towards the path but the castle collapsed.

'Really?!!?!?!?!'. She tellers the debris cane to view.

'Ugh,I am done with everything now!!!'  She yelled.

She summoned her whip

Blood Demon Art : Somnambulistic puppeteer, Decay and Boom!'

She yelled as het whip was hit the grounds softly.

Y/n stood still as her whip was on the ground,the whip made a circle around her and the circle spread everywhere. What was spread was mist,mist was all over the debris,walls ect.

She ran as the debris around her exploded.

As she was out the of the castle she saw everything.

Muzan somewhere in the shadows with half alive demon slayers.

'Hashira's.......right?'. She thought.

She quickly dodge a tentacle,she looked at the bright eyes of the demon king himself.

'Wow'. Was all she said.

Muzab with white hair,mouths on his body,tentacles and topless not to mention and uhhhhh red pants??

She saw the hashira's and fellow demon slayers on the ground,barely alive. She quickly ran to a demon slayer with black hair and a mismatched haori........he lost his arm.

Blood Demon Art : Somnambulistic puppeteer, Spirit Lifting

She said. She ran to him,he looked at him and grabbed his sword as she saw my slit eyes. I had mist pouring out of the palms of my hand.

'It won't bring back your arm but it will give you energy and heal your wounds' Y/n said.

Y/n's POV

'Are you able to fight?'. I asked.

'...yes......thank you, I feel much lighter now.......Tanjiro.........he needs us'. He said and stand up by the support of the wall.

'Yes....'. I said,standing up.

'I would love to talk to you when you are not.....dying, so let's give it our best'. I said. We nodded and ran to our ways.

I dodged another tentacle and ran to other demon slayers and begin healing them. Luckily some were in groups so I let out mist for all of them in oneshot. I saw Itsuki in his wolf form,licking wounded slayers yet all bloody

Itsuki's beautiful back furr was all bloody and so his teeth. One eye was closed and he lost one of his back back legs.

I looked at the place and saw Muzan slowing down,his eyes wide open. I summond my whip and looked for a opportunity to grab him.

'Miss Y/n!'. A deep voice said,before I got turn around I was tackled to the ground and was licked to death.

Haha Haha Itsuki stop!. I said,he stopped and used his head to being my up. I played his head.

'Hello Itsuki,live to see you to but we have to focus,we can hug later,alright?'. I said. He nodded and wigged his tail and ran back,why didn't he heal his leg?

I too ran somewhere behind a pillar, I had my whip ready.

Muzan was fighting against the demons slayers,that guy from before and Tanjiro helped each other as a sword was through Muzan.

The sun is coming up

Muzan screamed as he saw the sun coming up and begin to swell up


Oh wow,big Muzan baby coming!

'Tanjiro!'. That one guy said.

I looked at Muzan but saw a bit of Tanjiro's back,he is caught in there!!!!

Muzan begin to move towards a shade.

One slayer used a car to smash against Muzan but Muzan used his arm to smash it.

A lot of demon slayers pushed the car against Muzan.

It's not enough......


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