Chapter 30

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Chapter 30,A familiar face

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'Oh'.I said

'Why did you never tell me?'.I asked.

'Didn't found it important but what happend happend,lets leave it'.He said.


Y/n's POV

I stood up,Itsuki following me.

'I.......I am glad you told me your part of your story but we should move,we have a task to do'.I said and looked at the box in my hands that containt the antidote.

'Your right miss Y/n,were should we look now since the demons are basically gone here'.He asked,I placed my hand under my chin.

'The question is why are the demon gone? I say we look around here'.I said.

'Okay,from the ground or air?Since we can cover more land in the air but at the same time I can search for scents on the ground'.He said.

'Hmmm,does your feet hurt from all that running?'.I asked

'Kinda....'.He said and scrathed his nape

'Then we will be going in the air?But if it hurts alot then you can stay here and I will look around'.I said,he shook his head violently.

'No! I will go with you'.He said and activated his Demon Art

'Don't choose a big animal,big enough for me to sit on!'.I said while walking away to give him space,he nodded.

'Blood Demon Art : Therianthrope Walker :Minokawa'

And with those words Itsuki transformed into a grey dragon-bird like animal

And with those words Itsuki transformed into a grey dragon-bird like animal

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(A/n: credits to the owner)

'Shall we?'.Itsuki said and lowered his wing and head for me to step on his back

'We shall'.I said and walked on his wing to his back

Itsuki raised his head in the sky and flapped his wigs,flying off the ground and departed in the sky.We flew high in the air as we both used our demon power that every demon has,sences.We didn't sence our folk so flew away. For the time being we flew between the clouds and under moon. I held on his featers as Itsuki spin around sometimes doing 360 turns,to his side ect ect.

'Hahaha Itsuki,you are getting better out this!'.I said as I smiled.

'Thank you miss Y/n,training was worth it'.He said.

'Facts Itsuki,facts!'.I said,he spin around as we flew over a forest

Itsuki saw a waterfall and flew to it,in the cave that is behind it.

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